Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - The Demon "Hiya".

Double-page supporter
Sep 25, 2018
hang on, doesn't this mean the bastards in the palace are safe now? I mean sure, she'd kill em if she completes her three wishes, but one of the wishes is impossible with her power...unless she's the type to go "I did my best but you asked for the impossible, so now everyone's dead to pay the price for my attempts up til now and your wish still won't be granted, good bye"
of course, since she went straight to the "true hero" there's a decent chance she'll either end up dead (cancelling the effect) or as his mistress (and willingly dispel the effect to avoid making him angry)
Aggregator gang
Nov 25, 2018
for someone who had read the novel like me, will not surprised and just laugh it off
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2018
This was fun to read for the first few chapters. But at this point the pace feels too fast. There are too many large changes going on in too few pages, for me to actually care about what's going on.
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
Don't worry guys he just got time magic he's gonna rewind her.
But off chance she dies i am out...
May 5, 2018
@cor3zone the use or threat of violence to force compliance of an unwilling person is already a 'bad thing', generally called tyranny. In this case it's even worse as Fulio is not an inhabitant of the kingdom or even inside the kingdom's borders. Fulio had the agency to take the third option and avoid conflict but the next person to be targeted might not, and given the king's previous actions against Fulio there is every reason to assume that fake and the kingdom will continue to use such tactics.
Being a stalwart against imperialist tyranny is by no reasonable moral axiom or ethical system in any way objectionable.
(At least, none I can think of. If you can produce one, feel free to share it, I'd be quite curious)
Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@xfaca Just because you have power doesn't mean you have to use it. Fulio did what he believed was right. Just like Fake-Hero did what he believed was right. The difference is that Fake-Hero used his 'power' to remove the 'unjust', as he saw it. Now tell me, which of them is more just? Justice is subjective.

The whole Spider-Man thing, power=responsibility, is just big bullshit. The world doesn't work like that, or there would never be war. The nuclear powers of the world would just make sure everyone got justice. But they don't.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Why would you seal away something that dangerous with a secret wall door, why not just seal it off entirely. not to mention the demon can open the door itself
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
We'll wait. Since that genie is going to join his crew... very soon.


It's okay, she's sticking around for a very long time.
May 5, 2018
@cor3zone Ahh, yes. Subjective morality. The go-to justification of every great slaver, tyrant, warlord, and genocide in history. Morality is axiomatic, ethics are objective (though not absolute), there is no room for subjectivity in either.
And the fact that you apparently don't understand how agency plays into ethics, seem to think that ethics is what people with power do ie 'might makes right', and that imperialist interventionism - martial or otherwise - is justice is really quite telling of your character.
Here're a few easily digestible quotes for you to consider. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing", and "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"
Protip: Not pulling the lever in the trolley problem is also a choice. You are responsible for the consequences of your choices, even if you are not responsible for setting the events in motion.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@xfaca Ah, yes. Here we have it, the self-absorbed internet warrior. Their way of thinking is the only right way, so of course their morals and ethics are universal. There can be no subjectivity.

Say that to all the innocent victims of the 'war against terrorism'. Say that to all the innocent victims of Little Boy and Fat Man. Justice, morals, and even ethics, are all subjective. The subject being the majority of the population affected by it. Your way is no more 'right' than anyone else's. That, my friend, is the paved road to tyranny. Your arguments sound very similar to the ones tyrants use. 'This is the only right way! We are justice!' etc..

Yes, Fulio would be responsible if all he did was not pull a lever controlling a trolley. The trolley, and the lever for that matter, are not conscious beings though. Fake-Hero is. One can never be responsible for another person's actions. Free will is real, and cannot be blamed on someone else.
May 5, 2018
@cor3zone Yes. Victims of imperialist martial interventionism and total war doctrine respectively, both justified through subjective morality and one of which you argued in favour of.
Maybe you should learn what words mean before trying to argue for or against them?

Yes, free will exists
for certain definitions of free will
and you are responsible for your actions as well as your inactions.
I guess it's just a lot easier to cope when you pretend that washing your hands and proclaiming it not your concern makes it true.

And how the hell does arguing for the need for people to act against budding tyrants even if they themselves might not be affected lead to tyranny?

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