Mild or not, I get really, really fucking tired of abusive tsuns. There's absolutely no reason that they should get what they want. It's sexist.
If you flipped the genders, no one would accept it. Every time a girl happens to be in an area where a guy is topless or stretching or working out, the guy who likes her but hasn't told her runs up and punches her in the face and gut, or stabs her in the eyes, or sets her on fire. And then by the end he confesses and she either says yes or seriously considers being with him.
That is all tsun stories, just with the gender flipped. Since no one would be okay with this if the gender is flipped from the usual, it is sexist towards males to have it the normal way.
Sad, too. I was liking the Chief. Fun, lazy, experienced. She felt more like the sort to just let Boss know if she was interested in him at all. Even though for some reason in any sort of asian comic, a guy who is confessed to by a girl immediately finds her upsetting or scary, as if they can't stomach a woman going after them. Now though, after this...