Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

Nov 20, 2019
@Lilliwyt Arguments in comment sections are a time honored tradition on the internet. A beautiful train wreck which the morbidly curious gather from all around to see. If these two didn’t do it, somebody else would, so do not lament their sacrifice! Anyway cell phones are cool amirite?
Active member
Nov 24, 2019
I miss Seiko, I want to see more of Shamiko's family. Like what are they up to.
Oct 23, 2019
"Because you never know when to accept you are plain wrong ... sigh. "
That It's funny coming from you. Also, me a few minutes ago "Actualy .... that is much more reasonable. I buy it"
"Shamiko just said she wanted a smartphone, but not why."
But she said what she want. That was my point, she said what she wanted and Momo ignored that and began to look for other options because they were better, totally ignoring Shamiko's wishes.
"None of it was related to safety, only to getting the best price for the features she actually wants."
Of course, that was a part, but it is obvious that she also think about the safety of Shamiko, for some reason she put the GPS.
"(The GPS thing was not related to buying the phone, she just did it afterwards)"
She literally mentioned it at the beginning
"You are saying Momo needs to be a mind reader and act on information she doesn't have AND see through Shamiko's lies .... you are extremely unreasonable"
No. I am saying that she should be more attentive to Shamiko's emotional state to avoid things like this before they happen. You don't need the ability to read mints to notice such blatant signs.
"I have trusting Shamiko to actually tell her the truth is not a mistake and not Momo's fault"
Did you ever hear the saying "If you cheat me once it's your fault, if you cheat me two it's mine"? Just trusting her knowing that she is never honest is incredibly stupid on Momo's part.
"The fact that she is very concerned and oblivious might be seen as a minor flaw, but that's just because she is not super social"
You like too much to minimize Momo's defects. Leaving aside her great social deficit, my complaint is that she has not done anything to try to solve those socialization problems that cause these misunderstandings, or has put herself to reflect about them.
"Momo has been exceptionally patient and nice in this chapter, almost a bit out of character even"
Momo is always super nice with Shamiko. I don't see anything different in this chapter.
"If Shamiko had been honest none of this would have happened = ergo Shamiko's fault"
And if Momo had only bought Shamiko the phone that she wanted since the begining none of this would have happened, which, acording your own logic = ergo Momo's fault.

What can I say? It seems that one of the things that Bug and I have in common is our passion to defend our view points 😅.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Man, I didn't come here to suffer the same "essay argument" that exist on Dynasty.
Oct 23, 2019
I'm really sorry if my behavior bothers you. If you really consider our discussions so unbearable, at least on my part, you can feel free to block me to never have to deal with me again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
I've seen worse,i just imagine those who just want to make a short comment on the chapter and see a wall of text. I only block if i don't found the person interesting. Blocking for a wall of text is not something i gonna do.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
As if it wasn't obvious, I don't tend continue discussions with Reiba, because they never go anywhere. They are about as adaptable as a brick to the ocean and just as quick on the uptake.

Also it's ridiculous to complain about the length of replies. If this site wanted short comments, a far tighter character limit would be imposed. The same argument could be made in the opposite direction: How lame and boring is a one-note comments section of people just saying "Nice" or "Cute"? I see that all the time. If you don't want to discuss, why even come to the comments section, right?
Let's not fall into such asinine argumentation please.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
But you can make an in-between and don't go full psycological analysis of every sentence and everything the characters does in the chapter. I hope you can understand peoples don't come into Machikado Mazoku comment section to see 2 peoples argumenting their thesis about the characters.
Oct 23, 2019
At the risk of initiating something that would be more like a fist fight than a civilized discussion ...
"As if it wasn't obvious, I don't tend continue discussions with Reiba, because they never go anywhere. They are about as adaptable as a brick to the ocean and just as quick on the uptake".
You remember that in most discussions we have had (especially the first ones) I was the one who abandoned the talk, right?

PD: FINALLY! (fucking copy-paste troll)
Oct 23, 2019
"peoples argumenting their thesis about the characters"
I gues those are habits that I bring from my student life to the internet 😅.
PD: I'm studying psychology. I'm just starting, but I'm learning slowly. It's a really cool profession 😁.


An example is my habit of annexing pages to corroborate what I say. From the first day my teachers don't stop saying "Don't forget to cite sources to validate what you say, AND NOTHING OF WIKIPEDIA(😅)"
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
The real question is how you can decide for others what they want. Some don't want to see this, some don't want to see that. There are as many opinions as there are posters. It's impossible to please all, so you need to accept compromises. I can let people who post disgusting sleazy stuff on other comments sections go and in return I am allowed to post my ridiculous in-depth analyses "of every sentence the characters say". Block or ignore whatever you like, but do not impose what people can post unless it conflicts with the rules. You know the drill.

90% of all discussions since then were abandoned by me. I grow more weary to talk to you at all every time. I already ignore most of the stuff you post. I think that's the most sensible way to deal with such a situation.
Oct 23, 2019
"90% of all discussions since then were abandoned by me"
I just notice the since then 😅
"I already ignore most of the stuff you post."
And why not ignore every thing?
"I think that's the most sensitive way to deal with such a situation"
Because there is no magic button that would allow you to get rid of me if you wanted to.

On a separate note, is very funny how much you always insist that it is not worth speak to me but you still pay attention to me and answer me... Can I imagine you calling me "baka" from the monitor?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
This indeed the comment section you might expect for a chapter titled "Communications Revolution!"
Active member
Sep 27, 2019
(Just gonna stay out of trouble and discuss fun things).
@Loona_Roses I agree. As much as I love MomoShami, I also love the Yoshida household and hope to see more of them soon.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
To quote Momo

I don't block people, because I want to understand the full context of conversations when someone replies to your posts. Or there could be a miracle where you actually post something sensible and I accidentally see it.
I am so very sorry for giving you a chance though. I'll rectify that and completely ignore you from now on. You're welcome.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Block or ignore whatever you like, but do not impose what people can post unless it conflicts with the rules. You know the drill.

Annnnd i never impose you anything. I just said that people probably don't come on a gag 4koma to see comment section with half comment being about people arguing about who is at fault in the chapter. I'm pretty sure people say nothing because they're already tired of seeing the same shitshow every 2/3 comments sections. Honestly, given how nice you seem to be i rather have you blocked.
Active member
Nov 24, 2019
Yes, I hope, one day, they get their modern freezer which dispenses ice. I was so sad for Seiko when she couldn't get her dream freezer. ;~;
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2019
Wow Momo really sucks at reading the mood. Thank god for Milan or those two would never be able to progress.

Also Mikan best girl, she's what we all thought Momos personality would be like. Caring, teasing and legitimately helpful.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2018
This feels like one of the yuriest chapters so far. Mikan has nearly a life's backlog of sass stored up and she is going for it.

And damn it, Shamiko, stop calling Momo your enemy. Really. It's gonna cause some hurt at this point.

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