I noticed that you've deleted your previous version and uploaded this one anew but that is unnecessary because if you look at the chapter list as the uploader you'll see a little blue square with a white pencil in it and if you click on this it'll allow you to upload a new .zip file which will overwrite the previous chapter. I think that if a chapter is uploaded under the group name of a group of which you are the leader then this will also show up and if that is the case then you might want to make a group on MangaDex and get the mods to list chapter 1 as your group instead of "no group" so that you can edit it if you want to.
The chapter still has a double page in it that you need to fix but I can't explain what's the issue to help, just make sure the .zip file has the correctly numbered chapters and has no doubles in it itself is all I can suggest.
Also, I think you've miss named/number this chapter. You should have Chapter name as Respectively Plotting, Volume number as 1, and Chapter number as 2.