100% for each version of Hachiya200% sheesh
Wow.. Then Ikegai-kun married Hachiya-kun and lived happily with his children, the end. OmagaaaSo tsun tsun, Hachiya just need to accept that "he" likes "his" master more than "his" old crush and want to be a maid and get princess carry~
Hachiya seems much happier as a maid in the maid scenes, even blushing and worrying about her master, it's so cute ♡
I love yuri, but this time I'm rooting for the male love interest, or they can have a threesome, the fiances and of course our dear Hachiya-chan as the maid and mistress, imagine Hachiya with a wedding dress while both wait for her, that would be the happy ending, best ending, everyone leaves happy
r you could read yaoi doujinshi that is actually going to have gexwhat do you mean from this point onward I have to wait 2 months for my dose of gex? this better not give me withdrawal symptoms
maid yes, mistress impossibleSo tsun tsun, Hachiya just need to accept that "he" likes "his" master more than "his" old crush and want to be a maid and get princess carry~
Hachiya seems much happier as a maid in the maid scenes, even blushing and worrying about her master, it's so cute ♡
I love yuri, but this time I'm rooting for the male love interest, or they can have a threesome, the fiances and of course our dear Hachiya-chan as the maid and mistress, imagine Hachiya with a wedding dress while both wait for her, that would be the happy ending, best ending, everyone leaves happy
I was thinking the same as well.Why did Ikegai did not notice that he never told Hachiya-"san" about his situation with parents but it was Hachiya-"kun" he talked about it?
In that part I really was thinking of option 1, like, the maids would know about it, wouldn't be weird, but option 2 is possible too, I think we have a bigger chance of option 4 than 3 tho, 3 is the least likely for nowI was thinking the same as well.
My guess:
1.He thought Hachiya-san might have heard it from other staff in his house.
2.It was meant to be a foreshadowing of future events.
3.He has known all the time. (that they are same person)
4.The author made a mistake. The deadline is near, so she can't change it anymore.
I am leaning more toward option 2.