ehhh the villians feel a bit to comically evil. like they dont have any single trait or character besides being the evil and abusive family. at least give them some form of reasoning behind their shitty treatment. At this point its just shitty treatment for the sake of being shitty and for her to fall when someone shows her basic human kindness.
Also there is literally NO reason for this to be an iseikai . This story would be literally 10x better - the abuse from her family would actually mean something considering how much of our personalities is affected by our childhood, meaning the healing process and her interactions with human kindness would be much more impactful and tearjerking.
But if you know this aint her first rodeo it ends up her reason for being able to endure the abuse is not due to any of her individual strength of character, but rather her experience from her past life helping her cope through it, completely invalidates her character.