[Mainsite] Control + left click fails to work

Mar 6, 2019

Since the last update I noticed that the first time I want to use the command Control + Left button click instead of opening a new tab redirects me to the chapter I selected using the same tab. When I go back (latest updates, it doesn't matter if it's the first page or another one) it performs properly, but as soon I select another page the same issue persists. I use it a lot to open everything I want to read, so I prefer using the command in place of Right button click -> open link in new tab.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Jan 19, 2018

Since the last update I noticed that the first time I want to use the command Control + Left button click instead of opening a new tab redirects me to the chapter I selected using the same tab. When I go back (latest updates, it doesn't matter if it's the first page or another one) it performs properly, but as soon I select another page the same issue persists. I use it a lot to open everything I want to read, so I prefer using the command in place of Right button click -> open link in new tab.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Could you please provide the exact steps to reproduce the issue, because I am not really following where you are encountering an issue. Also information like which browser and version you are using is helpful in troubleshooting.

Using Firefox 111 on my feed page (https://mangadex.org/titles/feed) I am able to use ctrl + click on chapters and title links to open the appropriate page in a new tab without issue.
Mar 6, 2019
I go to Titles -> Latest updates and there I ctrl + click on a chapter I want to read (or try in this case), I noticed that when I do that below the title name (in the same line the group name is displayed) it always redirects me using the same tab. Instead, if I click on the same line of the chapter's name it opens properly in another tab but it shows a box with a blue frame. It works properly if I click on the series name line, but the blue frame appears again. I'm also using Firefox.
Jan 19, 2018
Ok was able to figure it out.

If you ctrl + click on the area between the title and the group, outlined in red, it does open the chapter in the same tab instead of the expected new tab. Also related, middle mouse button click does nothing when clicking in the same area.

Edit: in case someone want to get technical you can trigger this behavior but clicking just below or above any of the elements in a row because the action is on the parent <div>
Mar 6, 2019
Yes, the only difference is that I use the other visual format, which shows two lines with the following information:

👁️🇬🇧Vol&Chwhatever / blank space / 🕛x time ago 👁️N/A
🫂Group Name / blank space / uploader and number of comments

Ctrl + click above works but shows that box with blue frame that encloses from the eye to all the blank space before the clock. The same command below doesn't open the new tab and opens the chapter in the same tab. But yes, now we're on the same page.
Jan 8, 2023
I'm on Google Chrome and I have a similar problem
Ctrl + Left Click on the areas covered by the red boxes opens the chapter in both a new tab and the current tab

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