Bruh, Henry, tf you doing? If promoting Iruma may cause opposition then the entire Scala is pointless and it would be literally your job to do something about that.
Mephisto imitating the Many Ears logo in one of his designs made me chuckle, but I'm still pissed.
Let's not forget that these ranks are not just representative, but come with an actual increase in magic and power, so this situation is akin to you sitting in front of the boss of HR who's going: "You know, I would have promoted you to the position you auditioned for, but Steve from section B told me that some of the higher-ups could be opposed to it, so I didn't.
You'll keep your old job and wages, but here, have this nice pin I made to always remind you that in my eyes you should have gotten the job. (Oh, I'll also be sitting in the cubicle next to you from tomorrow on.)"