Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 12 Ch. 104 - A Powerful Line-Up

Double-page supporter
Mar 15, 2019
If it was all true and honest, the last translator was bullied/reprimanded due to him not knowing that this manga has an absolutely horrible history of sniping and switching translators, but i honestly doubt that. Anyone reading manga on this site long enough, or even just reading manga long enough, will know that sniping is generally frowned upon. And isnt it strange to happen to be translating the newest chapter of the manga on his first translating attempt?

Mind you i have no hate for anyone who translates manga, even snipers and shitty translation groups like jaimi. The guy just picked the wrong time to snipe.
Nov 4, 2018
It is worse than just sniping.

The guy in question used bad scans from translated to other languages version. That kind of translation is not attempt to make translation of Japanese language. He just pretty much went easy low effort and quality way and expects people to be thankful.

That is also another reason he won't do other series that need translation:
He cannot. He has no way/wish to translate Japanese, so he goes for translation of other languages.

Man, chapter is nice. Thank you, Sendiri.


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@Rainbow_Prism Were are you getting that from, did he adimit it himself?
His english syntax was better than average and I can read some ruskie and it didn't seem like it to me.
Dec 28, 2019
@xEternalSoul that is completely different. How do you think any translator first started out? They started translating the manga that they loved. There were people who were nice about letting him know about the sniping thing, and suggested him start out on other manga, but again, how did other translators start out? They started on manga that they liked. People tried telling him to join the groups already translating, but to do that, you need to have some translations under your name so people can see how well you translate. People tend to spend more time on things they like. If every translator was made to start translating things they didn't like when they first started out, we would be in a way bigger need for translators than what we already have because they would get put off because they are not doing what they like. It was a beginning translation, and people were horrific to him.

Why do you want to be in a community who hates new people? Because that is exactly, and don't try to deny it because that is exactly what you do, what happens when you hop on the wagon and call people sniper and stuff for doing what they love.
Dec 28, 2019
Also another thing. Sendri and nonymous were the snipers first.... But nobody called them snipers when they came in. Wicked House was translating this into english first, then Deus Vult came in and took over for a bit, then wicked house took back over. then out of knowhere, here comes nonymous and they start regularly, granted they had a bunch of manga under their belt before coming to Mairimashita, however, only 4 months ago did Sendri make their first appearance anywhere on mangadex. They first started out with Mairimashita, even when there was a regular release. Nobody called them a sniper or anything. So why the fuck are you guys going off on somebody who did exactly like Sendri and just came in out of knowhere? Sure maybe it wasn't up to quality, but don't forget your double edged sword when you are calling other people snipers, when the people who you are defending now started off the exact same way.
Aggregator gang
Aug 9, 2018
@psuedo Although I don't want to start drama, it's interesting you mentioned this. I won't claim that what I know is 100% correct, as far as I know, many readers were actually unhappy with Wicked House's translation in the first place. Wicked House mainly focused on translating for the Vietnamese community and their English translations were translated from their VN translation(JP>VN>EN), so their EN translations weren't exactly accurate or that good to begin with. In addition, they had an inconsistent schedule of almost one chapter a month for a weekly/biweekly series, and according to some people, they intentionally held back releases which I cannot confirm. Deus Vult came in offering to have joint translations however this was rejected/ignored and they had drama over it, a commentor mentioned that WHT even posted about this on their FB page and had the VN community mock them. Deus Vult agreed to stop translating Mairimashita but released what they had already translated before they left the series. However, after the issue with Deus Vult was over, WHT continued with slow releases and the quality of translation dropped further. Some mentioned that it seems to have been MTL with google translate. And then we come back to anonymous/Sendiri who took up the series with better translation and consistent rate of release, upon which WHT dropped the EN translation for this series and focused on their VN translations.

So this brings us back to the point we were discussing, you said we mad about sniping while defending snipers. The main focus is that the guy sniped a series that already had quality and consistent translation, people told him off but also explained that it was a rude move. I didn't really see any overly rude comments but that may have been just before it was deleted so I can't say much about it, but I can say your argument is really flawed.
Dec 28, 2019
@xEternalSoul you are the one with the flawed argument. All your argument boils down to is this: good quality coming out of nowhere when there was already a schedule going is ok, but when it is bad quality coming out of nowhere you are calling it a snipe. That is called your double edge sword which makes for a flawed argument.

edit: also I say bad comparatively, it was a decent translation.
Aggregator gang
Aug 9, 2018
@psuedo Why don't you read what I said again, I personally don't have issues with sniping in general, same as how mangadex doesn't prohibit sniping. I didn't deny what you said about Sendiri sniping WHT, I just replied to this question from you "So why the fuck are you guys going off on somebody who did exactly like Sendri and just came in out of knowhere?", that people were not happy about it because it was to a series with good and consistent translation. What part of this do you not understand? Calling it a snipe when it is a snipe is just the truth, funny how you can't accept that. You keep focusing on the word 'sniping' and missing the point I am trying to explain to you. If you really want me to say it, I can say it for you that Sendiri sniped WHT, however that's not the point I am trying to explain.
Dec 28, 2019
@xEternalSoul Sendri didn't snipe WHT. Sendri came along long after WHT stopped doing the english translations. Sendri came along 4 months ago out of nowhere. literally out of nowhere and started translating here sniping out nonymous. nobody cared. The only time I have seen people care about people trying to translate manga is that the quality isn't the same and they get called snipers at that point and bullied out. Though when sendri came along 4 months ago and sniped out nonymous, nobody batted an eye.
Aggregator gang
Aug 9, 2018
@psuedo My mistake, I tend to think they are the same now and got confused. I think there wasn't much attention because they immediately collab straight away for the next chapter. After which Sendiri only released a solo one before they continued joint translations ever since. Maybe there were people who disapprove of the sniping at first, but since the groups have came to a conclusion and worked together, there wasn't any reason to continue. I have no qualms about sniping in general, I would just say that the guy was unlucky to choose this series as his first, seeing as how its a hotbed of drama. I have no idea how the comment thread turned out but I did read comments suggesting he joined a team and that he could learn from them. There may have been criticism, but its not good to overlook the constructive ones as well.
Mar 5, 2019
Hmmmmmmmmmmm its not an exact match but the Legendary Leaf but does the way he imagines it remind anyone else of the flower Clara made in chapter 9
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
if i seal my cuteness, what remains is my beauty...

I assume the beasts understand beauty, then??? 😂😂😂😂😌
Dec 28, 2019
the phrase "There is a power in simple beauty" becomes her best weapon. Her beauty is the beauty of the cold. So beautiful to look at and see, however, treat the cold with disrespect and the cold will eat you up alive. Her family ability is ice afterall. Her icy cold features makes her beauty go off the charts. She tried to be cute, but that failed, so now she cuts people off with how cold she can be and in turn that makes the demon more beautiful.

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