Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 13 Ch. 108 - Devilishly Pure

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2020

In the end though, I don't think the author will have the gumption to go for a proper harem ending. I'll be happy enough if we get to see a proper marriage with Amelie. And Iruma could become bisexual, you never know. Or Alice could be a reverse trap that's using magic to disguise themselves, but honestly I'm quite certain he's male at this point and that his name is Alice because his mother is an eccentric. And the only real reason I can think for the 'reverse trap disguised by magic' to make any sense is if their family also has some sort of seduction magic like Elizabetta's and his is too strong to control, so he needs to pretend to be a guy to weaken it. Either way, of our ??? characters, I'm quite certain Alice is male and Opera is female. The pairings I see as most likely are:

Iruma x Amelie (locked in stone.)
Clara x Alice (alternative is nonromantic life partners/best friends together with Iruma.)
Elizabetta x Lied or Kamui. Kamui actually fits her idea of someone loving her wholeheartedly without her power since we know he's like that with all girls/ladies. Even animals apparently going by one of his training partners. Which is part of why I actually like him, his women obsession seems to be a bit more than being a lusty perv after sexy bodies a la Mineta. Things seem to be looking the way of Lied though.
Crocell x Kamui, basically just because they trained together though. Her main reason for focusing on Iruma seems to be a combination of rivalry and because he noticed her mannerisms even with the anti-detection glasses on.
Other random things could be like Allocer with that one teacher, Kallego with either Opera or that teacher who's a fan of him, etc.

I mean saying 'you don't hate Clara, you have a very useful ability' is basically doing the same thing that the people using her before Iruma and Alice came along and became her genuine friends were doing, lol. I think there are a few panels that have indicated that she's actually self-aware though. Like when she first meets them she says that she knows she's really intense and that it pushes people away but she can't be any different. I think she'll have the opportunity to mature.

Sanji is extremely annoying when he's in his girl-obsessed mode although his regular personality is good. Sort of the same thing as Roshi from Dragon Ball, when he's actually serious rather than a walking sexual harassment lawsuit he's probably my favorite character. Kamui works better as a bird though.
Oct 4, 2019
I'm sorry in advance for any typos or grammatical errors, I didn't feel like proofreading.

"I don't think the author will have the gumption to go for a proper harem ending"
Me neither
"I'll be happy enough if we get to see a proper marriage with Amelie"
Yep it's kind of become her dream at this point so this will be cool to see at the end

I never considered the possibility that Alice could be using magic to change his gender, and in a world where glasses can stop other from being able to detect who you are, this would be logically consistent. Although it's most likely that he is male since even his little sisters (or whatever their relationship with him is; too lazy to look up) call him brother, unless he's even fooling them (or perhaps he prefers to be called brother instead of sister?)...anyways the possibility of Alice being female is very low in my opinion. Iruma could be bisexual but there must be some groundwork in place if the author wants to go that route. I don't like it when authors just write things just to create a plot twist, it just makes me go wtf? Plot twists only work well when the evidence is there but we just ignore it and then have our mind blown such as in The Sixth Sense (1999) film. I don't see any evidence thus far that Iruma is bi; even Ali (the ring of gluttony's persona) has only been teasing Iruma using girls, and I would assume that Ali knows Iruma better than other characters so if the author goes for Alice and Iruma pairing it will come out of nowhere (atleast for me personally).

"Iruma x Amelie
Clara x Alice"
Agreed to both
"Elizabetta x Lied or Kamui"
The first pairing is usually the final pairing so I would go with Elizabetta x Lied for now.
"Kamui actually fits her idea of someone loving her wholeheartedly without her power since we know he's like that with all girls/ladies."
I know that she is attracted to love in every form (tragic and stolen love for example) but it seems that she has a preference in passionate love because she says "can this man love me passionately, even without my ability?", she also says to Raim (the succubus teacher) that she wants to have happiness with a wonderful man. So I wonder if that Kamui will be right for Elizabetta since Kamui may not be only into her. Lied was also trying to get all the ladies in the mixer but it seems he may be someone who is happy just to have someone (based on how happy he was to find out that one of the girls in the mixer liked him; only to find out that it was the one eyed girl). Or maybe it doesn't matter in the end (as tblst pointed out earlier in this thread) since the abnormal class only cares about primal desires. Either way, it'd be cool to see more information added for each side character.
"Crocell x Kamui"
Unless another pairing is shown, I agree with you. I thought Crocell was interested romantically with Iruma after he saved her show but during the girl's tea party, she mentioned liking Iruma's evil side. I've looked the raws and
it seems that she makes Iruma and Lied cross dress in order for them to get her assistance
. So if she likes Iruma it may not be romantically and may be more like curiosity (in my opinion).
"Allocer with that one teacher"
"Kallego with either Opera or that teacher who's a fan of him..."
Opera might be paired with Iruma's granddad. There might be an only one-sided love with that teacher who likes Kalego. I think Kalego may be paired with Balam (the teacher who knows that Iruma is human). I say this because of what happened in Walter Park hotel. Balam is sad about having to eat by himself and Kalego comes to eat food with him (not that it was shown that Kalego knew Balam was sad to eat alone).

If Clara was a real person, I personally wouldn't be friends with her (because of the reasons that I mentioned in the previous message) but Clara's abilities are useful to the main character (such as: making those magic paper things when Iruma needed a way to navigate the barrier maze that Kirio created, or when a conjuring talisman is needed to call Iruma's familiar, Kalego). I also find it funny when she calls Kalego "eggy-sensei" but she is many times a hindrance to Iruma which is why I find her annoying. I don't like Sanji's (from One Piece) personality but I don't deny that he's a very useful member of the crew as their only cook (plus he saves the crew atleast thrice as Mr. Prince; twice in Alabasta arc and once in Water 7 arc). I'm open to change my opinion on Clara when she has some character growth.

My hate with girl-obsessed characters comes when they're being creepy/sexually harassing (such as when Brook from One Piece lays down on the ground so he can see Nami's panties; I can't recall what chapter this was) or when their obsession puts someone else in danger or can lead to same (such as: when Sanji refuses to fight Kalifa in Enies Lobby. His refusal could've lead to a disadvantageous situation such as another hostage or more people left to fight for SH crew). Dragon ball's author did write his perverted characters better than many other authors: for example it's shown that Oolong was working very hard to keep girls that he kidnapped happy (they were shown to be very demanding of the materialistic items that they wanted from him as well if I recall). Master Roshi although a pervert, does end up using his tournament prize money on the Indian dude whose village has a drought and then on young Goku's food bill rather than using it on women like he had planned (if I'm recalling it correctly). Not that Oolong and Master Roshi were my favorite characters but I could tolerate them (Master Roshi more so then Oolong) more than other perverted characters that I've seen in other works.
"Kamui works better as a bird though."
Are you able to put into words why?
Aggregator gang
Dec 22, 2019
Wait.... If every man is her prince. So how the heck did she use it againts that lucky go happy teacher in the bad ass iruma arc?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2020

Yep it's kind of become her dream at this point so this will be cool to see at the end

The most ideal thing would be a marriage to Amelie in the penultimate act, not as the finale. It's nicer to see characters act on their feelings for a bit rather than showing it on the very last panel of the story. At the very least there should be a bonus chapter or two. Though on that note, it's extremely difficult to imagine Iruma becoming a proper Demon King as he is without a major personality shift a la Chadruma, which makes me wonder if there's going to be some manner of timeskip or if the story will actually go through several years 'till he's at least sixteen. I think the author has kind of set up Amelie working at Sullivan's mansion with Opera, keeping her close and relevant after leaving the school.

Alice Stuff.

I don't believe he actually is a girl using magic to appear as a boy, I was just saying it's the only possible way he could be a reverse trap at this point. Everything from mannerisms to attitude imo indicate he's male, the only thing left is that his name is Alice. The reason I'd be totally happy with an Iruma x Alice pairing is because most of the Yaoi in manga I'm familiar with (not that I read it) the relationships tend to be extremely abusive, whereas Iruma and Alice would just be love and happiness.


I think Crocell has a small crush but nothing serious like Clara or Amelie.

Otherwise, Kallego with Balam I can sort of see although it's hard to see Kallego as anything more than a caring friend at this point. He's shown to be very observant and meticulous with his actions as a teacher so I doubt Balam needing to eat alone and probably being a bit sad about it would slip past him. Remember that they've been friends since their own school days.

Comes down to it she's a take it or leave it character. I find myself liking her a lot more in the anime than the manga due to the voice actor adding a wonderful amount of life to her. Her recent manga development is pretty good, too.

Kamui/Perverted Characters

Roshi sexually assaults people constantly though which is a pretty big oof.

Kamui as a bird... I just think it's a more interesting design. We already have most of the regular design archetypes for male characters in the abnormal class.

Shounen protagonist: Iruma
Prettyboy: Alice
Bad boy: Jazz
Big musclehead: Sabnock
Mischievous boy: Lied
Samurai: Mop boy

I can't see where Kamui could fit in well while maintaining diversity. All of the characters have very memorable designs, even if I forget Lied and Kamui's (and mop boy's lol) names occasionally.
Aggregator gang
Feb 6, 2019
Damn. Just when she was getting more fleshed out as a character shes revealed to be a slut. At least clara is still pure.
Double-page supporter
Jul 3, 2018
>Every man is a love interest
>Her ability doesn't work on men she likes

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@UXLZ Alice is a male name too. In the past, Alice was a name for male nobles but then it became a popular name for females.
Active member
May 10, 2020
Nee-san was the highlight of the chapter

and then clara's face showed up at the end and stole my heart
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 22, 2020
So, to explain things a little more ...
Just because every men are possible love interests doesn't mean that she likes them all. She has the ABILITY to like them, but if she doesn't know them, why would she ?
That's why, when working to get the Royal Classroom, she managed to make her power work on this teacher she doesn't know that well and probably doesn't have classes with.
That's why, on the page where we see her surrounded by every men she likes, it's all been guys she interacted with on a daily basis, including the teachers, at least that's what I think.
Otherwise, the page would've been her on a throne or something, with a literal army of no faces mob male characters, like teachers she doesn't have classes with, all those guys we see on a daily basis making the students in the other classes and so on.
Just because you acknowledge the fact that every men are possible lovers doesn't mean you have to like them all. Concretely, every straight guy in the world will acknowledge every girls as a possible love interest if they please him physically, but he won't like her just because of that (normally) and only will after learning to know her.
The only difference here is that it's more present for Big Sis and why wouldn't it ? She's a demon. So I don't know if it makes her a slut just because, you know ... She likes every guys she knows romantically ... She doesn't exactly seems to be sleeping around and we still don't know if she would cheat once she gets with someone since she should be in love with the guy dhe finally end up with.

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