Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 16 Ch. 142 - Exposure

Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
@tblst Im referring to all the previous instances as well. They all feel out-of-place rather than like they reveal the true tone of the story. Part of it is the disparity between how quickly it jumps from extremely wholesome to being over-the-top evil. But the bigger problem is that the dark themes completely disappear again outside those segments of the story, rather than shifting toward an overall darker tone each time. Like right after revealing that prison labor powered a theme park and having criminals kill a bunch of people, this entire arc (including the training bit) was 100% g-rated with themes based around hard work and friendship, and despite the forest ostensibly being extremely dangerous we don’t see a single death.

Obviously you disagree, but to me it feels like the author wants to make two totally different kinds of stories, and is trying to have their cake and eat it too.
no one give an efing toade about what your idea of the story should be! since not even god damn authors will dare pretend they know how to tell an story better that the author of this story! or and random with no history of writing stories! and even if you did that will be ego entitlement at max!
Apr 5, 2024
Somehow when they say the weak will be eaten--yeah, I believe them. It will not be figurative.

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