How is it not romantic??
It’s literally three best friends who care about each other as equally as their own self to the degree they practically function as a single supportive unit.
What is that BUT romantic?
Platonic relationships can be super close.
I’m not ace or wired for a non-romantic relationship this close even disregarding that, so I can’t say HOW close, but yeah.
He is clearly going to be involved with Amelie romantically at some point (to point out that this is fiction), and that’s a very different vibe between them.
I don’t know that she’ll ever be as close as these three, but honestly my ex wife and I were never as close as my friends and I are. (Still not like these three!)
It’s vastly different.
These three are on some other level. It’s very clearly “A Relationship“. It’s beautiful. It’s made me cry! But romance is something else. Not less, but different. Just a bit to the left a bit, and not-very-straight on until morning.
He goes on a literal date with Azz, but… I cannot describe them. It’s…