Does anyone find it odd how she complains about the outfit being skimpy, even though she literally wears a corset with a miniskirt and thigh highs every day?
Améliiiiieeee, you go girl!!! That was amazing haha, she's right, giving it your all is not embarrassing at all, though i used to think that it was, anyway, I really do love this manga haha!!!
@Assaultsquirt I don't usually write like that but the chapter made me very energetic... I actually even had peak productivity at work after reading it... The chapters of this manga tend to have such an effect on me since they tend to be so damn good lol o3o
Amerin is such a cool person tho, that you should do your best and not care what it looks like to others, and that doing your best is more beautiful than "looking pretty", is seriously a thing people need nowadays with so many people focusing so much on saving face that people are dying because of it... Like, she's an wonderful role model to anyone! Everyone should follow her example on this! o3o