She really just pulled off a hit and run, said a bunch of shit, left a lot of questions, and just ran off. Kerori went through a lot of emotions just then, only to wind up both confused and concerned.
Best Girls don't belong in the harem. Iruma isn't good enough to warrant any Best Girls. And I doubt the kid will become one anyway, given her older sister explicitly abandoned the status.
Best Girls don't belong in the harem. Iruma isn't good enough to warrant any Best Girls. And I doubt the kid will become one anyway, given her older sister explicitly abandoned the status.
... and other statements that could get you arrested by the FBI.
In any case, I wasn't crushing your dreams. If the plot wants 15 year old Iruma to end up with a harem of underage girls then it may happen, but I doubt any of them will be a Best Girl because the mangaka does not seem to like Best Girls very much, which is a common trend among mangakas in general.
In case it isn't completely clear... Best Girls have glasses. No glasses = not Best Girl. Anyone who claims a girl without glasses is Best Girl is quite simply wrong. It is like declaring a fish to be best birb. It just doesn't work that way.
... and other statements that could get you arrested by the FBI.
In any case, I wasn't crushing your dreams. If the plot wants 15 year old Iruma to end up with a harem of underage girls then it may happen, but I doubt any of them will be a Best Girl because the mangaka does not seem to like Best Girls very much, which is a common trend among mangakas in general.
In case it isn't completely clear... Best Girls have glasses. No glasses = not Best Girl. Anyone who claims a girl without glasses is Best Girl is quite simply wrong. It is like declaring a fish to be best birb. It just doesn't work that way.