Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 8 Ch. 68 - Kalego-sensei's Home Visits

Oct 20, 2019
I assume you're talking to me but were too scared to tag me for some reason. Guess you wanted your answer to fly under the radar, huh?
All I'm hearing from your post is more and more excuses. "Ummm at least we contacted one person which is good enough for blanket permission!" Like I said before, what you're telling me is that one person speaks for a whole group. So all of your opinions here are on behalf of your own group, right? You calling people entitled assholes for not appreciating your trash scanlation is also Lyall's and PickyMa's opinions, right? Nice to know that your whole group has a very entitled, conceited opinion about their work.
If you don't even follow threads, then how do you even know that they aren't discontent with what you're doing? Because I have been following them, and many people have expressed their opinions about your trash scanlation. Like, you DO remember that you YOURSELF literally went back to an /a/ thread to see where I got my points? Where people clearly expressed discontent with how your translation was so shitty? Did you think those were just random people? (Also, you clearly didn't take their advice on typesetting, when you end up with shit like this):

Imagine thinking typesetting is just typing words in ~pretty~ fonts (and WordArt) and thinking that's enough.
But yeah, I'm glad you spoke to ONE person and decided it was okay to shit all over Iruma-kun. Way to be just like SSSSS.
May 18, 2019

Ahh yes, because not tagging = being scared to talk to you. (Edit: And that's simply because of me forgetting to tag you as this is the first thing I see in the morning. Oh well, still better than fucking up the tag entirely) How pathetic. All your shitty so-called “points” which contain full of your misinterpretations have been addressed yet you chose to ignore it and continue to push your agenda for no reason. Which is why I’m fairly certain that you’d come off as an entitled asshole to almost everyone who bothered to read all of this now.

You are also forming an irrelevant link out of nowhere, ignoring the context of the story that you loved so much while reading. You can clearly see that we asked a person on their group’s response to us doing this. Which is, clearly in a different context compared to where I’m making my own standpoint (which is therefore, personal) clear in response to your shitposts to what I worked on. One more thing, how retarded can you even be as to still think that reception is bipolar at this point? The more you cling to your “abominations” of a claim, the more stupid you look.

Also, why the hell should I dig through about 10 different 4chan threads to search for people (and just to be clear, I’m looking for people actually working on it contacting me directly) expressing discontent at my work? Do I have any reason to do that? Am I supposed to do that? I posted my work on MangaDex, not 4chan.

But oh well, once again, because you like to waste your own time so much as you had nothing better to do, I’m just going to continue doing what I am doing. Thank you for being comedy gold, by the way.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2019
@StorageCrate wait, you actually expected me to read that unreadable wall of text? No thank you. As I said, if you’re gonna quote people then use a quote block.

I promised I wouldn’t keep the debate going, so I’ll just say this: shouldn’t the word of one person from /a/ saying they don’t care have far more weight than your unrelated personal opinion on sniping? You’re right that sniping usually causes more harm than good, but... You’re only venting your frustrations. Sniping is not an issue here, as you can see from both their words and actions. Do they look like they’re dropping the series?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2019
@sondz1911 I never got to ask with all the BS happening, but what are the other series you’re moving to? It doesn’t specify on your credit page.
Oct 20, 2019
What's that? Even more excuses? Feels like that's all I hear coming from you in these comments. First it's "I didn't MEAN to blame my mistakes on WH." Next it's "I didn't MEAN to assume one person spoke for a whole group." Now it's "I didn't MEAN to not tag you, I just forgot. Teehee!" And you're really calling my points misinterpretations? We literally just went over this, all of them were valid (which you agreed with) except for maaaybe one of them. I really don't know how that's so hard for you to understand when you even admitted you made those mistakes. I can't tell if you're just word-vomiting at this point, because you're clearly not following the conversation.

>You are also forming an irrelevant link out of nowhere, ignoring the context of the story that you loved so much while reading.
...What does this have to do with anything? Is this another one of your "gotcha" moments again? I've pointed out twice where you were the one ignoring the context of the manga, but somehow you're trying to turn it around on me? What kinda logic is this lmao, I was completely right about you not following the conversation.

>One more thing, how retarded can you even be as to still think that reception is bipolar at this point?
Are you trying to imply that everyone actually appreciates your work? You already deleted the first chapter you did, but you DO remember that you got a ton of criticism in the comments? Hell, you can even find people in the past two chapters' comments talking about your shitty scanlation. Yet you actually still think everyone is blindly praising your trash, that's just so conceited.
Also, it's not nice to use the word retarded; that's very ableist. Of course, I wouldn't expect any better from you though. You're real quick to go to insults when you're losing an argument, as shown by your "entitled assholes" comment.

>Also, why the hell should I dig through about 10 different 4chan threads to search for people discontent with my work? I posted my work on MangaDex, not 4chan. were the one who believed nobody was upset with your work. I then told you that yes, people were upset. And now you're saying "why should I care?" Lol okay, clearly a good argument here. And posting on mangadex doesn't mean anything, since the one that you sniped from (and the ones you apparently got ~permission~ from? Remember that? Hello?) is 4chan. So you didn't really make a good point there either.

>I’m just going to continue doing what I am doing. Thank you for being comedy gold, by the way.
Yep, continue to fail at defending your shitty scanlation. And I like how you try to call me "comedy gold" to try and make it seem like you're above all this and aren't taking this seriously, but it's not working unfortunately. The more you respond, the more I know that you're actually really mad and petty!
Oct 20, 2019
>wait, you actually expected me to read that unreadable wall of text? No thank you.
Oof, when someone starts out with the "I didn't even bother reading your argument because it was too long", you know that they don't have a leg to stand on. What a cop-out lol.
I like how the only arguments you guys have are insults (LET ME JUST CALL EVERYONE THAT PROVES ME WRONG RETARDED ASSHOLES) and excuses (DIDN'T BOTHER READING YOUR ARGUMENT SO YOU MUST BE WRONG). Especially since I did the courtesy of reading all your walls of text too. And you didn't even quote me for easy reference!

>shouldn’t the word of one person from /a/ saying they don’t care
Too bad there were multiple people from /a/ saying they did care. So yes, you're correct; that outweighs the opinion of one person!

>Sniping is not an issue here, as you can see from both their words and actions. Do they look like they’re dropping the series?
Yes, they mentioned they were possibly dropping the series soon. So thanks for sniping, I guess. If you agree sniping does more harm than good, then why even defend garbage scanlations? Are you saying SSSSS is a good group? Because they're doing the same thing @sondz1911 is doing here.
May 18, 2019

>One more thing, how retarded can you even be as to still think that reception is bipolar at this point?
Are you trying to imply that everyone actually appreciates your work?

mhmm, actual comedy gold. If you think that I'm no longer taking all of this seriously, you cannot be more correct. I've lost all need to do so long ago.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 4, 2019
So I got curious and pasted your unreadable ABOMINATION of a comment in a word counter and guess how many there were? 2290. Two thousands two hundreds and ninety fucking words. Which brings us back to my original statement:
No thank you.
That's why formatting is important. Is it that you don't know how? Are you perhaps on mobile? Here's how to do it:
quote]No thank you.[/quote
Add brackets at the end and beginning and that will give you the quote block I made earlier. You're welcome!

Btw, I don't understand why people make such a big fuss over SSSSS. They have no continuity whatsoever, so I don't get why any group would ever feel threatened by them. I asked them out of curiosity once, and they told me that they translate whatever they want because they want to show stuff to their friends. If you were to compare it to sniping, that'd be like a sniper starting to do trick shots aiming randomly in the middle of an assassination.
Oct 20, 2019
Yet here you are, still replying. Like I said before, you call me "comedy gold" because you want others to think you're above all of this. But the fact that you keep responding just means that you're still so mad inside without any more arguments to try and defend your trash work. It's so cute how you're going "I DEFINITELY DON'T TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY GUYZ" after once again repeating how you think "teehee this is sooo funny!!" Imagine trying to look like you totally don't care, but actually showing how much you do care. But yeah, keep telling me how much you don't, because I totally believe you! How's that for "comedy gold"?

Also, feel free to keep calling me a retard. That really makes your argument stronger, making fun of people with intellectual disabilities.

I'll just repeat what I said again.
>Oof, when someone starts out with the "I didn't even bother reading your argument because it was too long", you know that they don't have a leg to stand on. What a cop-out lol.
And no thanks, quotes really don't have the importance that you think they do. My argument is perfectly readable without them. You're just using it as a (not-very-good) excuse to not read simple words. It's funny how you latch on to that to try and dethrone my argument, but it's really not working.

Btw, you know those series I mentioned earlier that got dropped when they were sniped? Guess who sniped them? Your favorite group SSSSS! So I appreciate how you say groups should just ignore them, like you think all those groups were irrational for having dropped those series. I see that you're clearly looking down on them, so fine; go tell those groups to their faces that they should have just "ignored" the snipers, otherwise they're not worth anything. Now who's the one not appreciating scanlation groups?
May 18, 2019

uwaaaaa! You not believing me? How scary!!
Because you, for some odd reason, kept thinking that your words would actually make an impact at this point, feel free to keep doing so. I mean, I'm not going to bother making an extended response anymore, so I win either way :)


For your question, I actually have no idea. I mean, I intend to take a small break after this, because of school and time constraints and all. All I know is that it will be Vietnamese at source, so yeah. You'd be better off asking @LyallKins for that (If he comes online, that is)
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
@sondz1911 lmao just block that guy to save yourself from headache and comments spaces lol. thx for chapter, ive just been looking at raws lol

you know that you have stooped so low when @SteamedBunInvasion gave the most logical advice here. (also i want more nyanko days)
Oct 20, 2019
>still responding
>desperately trying to pretend that you "won" and you really don't care about this
Yes, I understand. I will let you save face even after you keep coming back and saying how "comedy gold!" you think this all is. But like I said before several times, you just keep responding to me (three times now?) with how much you "don't care" because you can't let it go. And that, right there, is the sign of someone who actually, really cares.

If only it were as easy as that. The point I'm making is that snipers who just want the clout, like Teashop scanlations and SSSSS, chase away the good groups who are already releasing at a decent pace. Then all you're left with is the garbage scanlations. It really sucks for everyone! But you know, snipers don't actually care about the manga they scanlate, so it's hard to get them to understand such a simple idea. :(
May 18, 2019
Yeah, I certainly could do that, buuuuuuuuut I think I have a better idea.

It's proven that you found reading difficult, soooooo...
And yes, I'll still be responding. I wanted to see how much longer can you keep up with your bullshit, anyway :)
Oct 20, 2019
Hey, just because you don't think there are groups with integrity that exist out there, doesn't mean I don't. I've already given several examples where good groups got sniped and left the manga they were working on, and now there's no one at all working on those series. I wouldn't look down so much on real scanlation groups if I were you.

>trying to pretend you're only responding because my "reading comprehension sucks" (which is a total non-sequitur?)
>"I just wanna see how much you can keep this up! Totally not bothered by the way."
Yes, I understand. I will let you save face even after you keep coming back. But like I said before several times, you just keep responding to me (four times now?) with how much you "don't care" because you can't let it go. And that, right there, is the sign of someone who actually, really cares.
Oct 20, 2019
>trying to change the subject by calling me delusional (man, you really keep pulling these non-sequiturs out of your ass)
Yes, I understand. I will let you save face even after you keep coming back. But like I said before several times, you just keep responding to me (five times now?) with how much you "don't care" because you can't let it go. And that, right there, is the sign of someone who actually, really cares.

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