Majoukari no Gendai Kyoten - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Life in One's Hands

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Another info-dump of a chapter. We're really racing towards an end that should have taken a lot longer to build up to.

At least the weakness of a hunter's heart is brought back up, but does that mean that witches also have that weakness because hunters are just fire-witches?
Apr 26, 2020

No, hunters are combination of protector and witches. They have their own heart + heart of witches. The diamond heart is heart of fire witch that being processed to be used by hunter. Normal witch have same weakness as normal human.

My guess why they hunter die when the witch heart get pierced is due to long time exposure, over century, of the unnaturally processed witch heart, way above normal human life span, which prolonged their human life.

Think like battery, human heart as a battery depleted, but processed witch heart keep pumping juice into battery. Once outside source of power gone, battery is gone

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