The manga isn't bad, kinda of average in the Isekai genera. However i don't understand some plot points. I can't distinguish the MC with the 'protagonist syndrome' and without it.
One time they discuss for 3 chapter how the MC is disconnected from reality, and present as a huge deal, that i didn't catch all the seriousness of it. Then it finishes with the MC being 'reality slapped' by his relationship with Elk. Now i don't know if he was completely cured from this syndrome, is being treated with time or got back from his previous state. Again, i can't see what he does, think or behave to perceive the syndrome.
But now, Ohhhhh, now... The author put a existential/humanitarian reason for all the Bare Hands fight. What about the MC felling disconnected from reality until recently?
Am i dumb for not understand?