Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei Cheat - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
I really wonder if LH is honest, they've been so decadent lately that if someone else doesn't pick up their title they don't bother translating it...
Why pick up so many titles you forget/don't want to translate them anymore?

Be more professional and just say something on the latest chapter you translate like: "we're dropping this title" or "we will be on hiatus for this title until further notice" , so other translators wouldn't have to be in an awkward situation when you leave a manga to die for 6months or more just to come back once someone touches it...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2018
seriously? people complain when they dont release, and you complain when they do release, and even thou they give you the reason for the delay in releases you people somehow manage to find a way to complain about that as well... now that they are working hard to catch up you complain about that as well... what the fuck is your problem?

the only complaint i can get behind is that they are in serious need to improve their communication with us so we know whats going on, it's not that hard to at the very least give it a mention on their Discord and website.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
@theldras people "complain" because they always release just after someone else picks up their dead series, meaning that they 1, have so many series that they just don't know what they have on their table to translate or 2, they have some weird mission to hold as many series as possible for unknown reasoning (donations, being evil, who knows).

Basically they are acting like dicks so people call them out on it, you don't need to white knight them because nobody is saying their translations suck or that we don't want them, just that the way they do things is really offensive to the communitys unenforced rule of what is an abandoned series and what isn't.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
@theldras I'm not complaining, I'm just making an observation that this is not the first time they did this (very childish) move of remembering that they were translating something only after someone else picked it up, putting the new translator in a very awkward spot.
They can give me any reason they want for why they just forgot to continue translating a series for a fucking HALF year, I don't believe it as you said it yourself, they have 0 communication with their community, something completely green translators do, and they're a huge group at this point.
Anyway, as i said, dick move.
Apr 8, 2020
Uhm., I don't get the point LHt ., you've abandoned this already, if the one translating this now stops, no one else to blame but you LHt. Stop being childish,. You're being a dick tbh.

I don't complain that LHt abandoning a series.,
The problem lies on picking up the series AGAIN when someone picked it up already (seriously this was recently picked up by someone who's kind enough to share to those who are left hanging on the air)

And again, stop being a dick. You wanted to pick up and chew a gum that you chewed and spit into the bin?
Active member
Mar 26, 2019
didn't you abandon? wtf, I hope the other guy continues... it's lame to leave a dead body and come backs when another person is doing the work.
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
Leave the dudes alone, they are picking it up again, if people want to read their version that's on them. Why bother getting angry over spilled milk...

But I do agree that if you don't even know if you can continue working on a project, just say is halted due to xxxx reason. No one is going to be mad for stating you are halting or dropping a series...
People will get angry if you don't say anything and just let the series like that in the limbo without saying anything.... only you guys know the state your group is in, why are the credit pages even for then?.
I mean
Aug 9, 2018
Basically the same as Uxtef who suddenly "woke up" after Hatigarm had to TL the adventures of Balud.
Dec 21, 2018
@Zantho When did Hatigarm start doing Isekai Tensei Soudouki? All the new releases of ITS is a collaboration between Half-assed Scans and Uxtef with higher quality images, but Uxtef's translations.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
LHT: sorry, we have new people now, so we'll pick up where we left off.
does literally nothing else

Comment section: YOR MEEN!!! STAHP BEES MEEN!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

Seriously, people.
Aug 9, 2018
@Turkeysocks Something like 4 months ago when Uxtef didn't update for a long time and the series was thought to be dropped Hatigarm did a few chapters then Uxtef magically woke up. Hatigarm didn't pursue then.
Dec 21, 2018
@Zantho ... nope, that's wrong. Uxtef disappeared for three months about ten months ago, than he popped back and got caught up in all the series he was working on, and continued to release ITS as it came out. Hatigarm started working on ITS five months ago, and those were the chapters that Uxtef had already done. And they've done up to chapter 56 released back in June, when Uxtef had been back for several months now. So it seems that Hatigarm is still pursuing it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
Seriously, amidst all this RL drama nobody is gonna comment on that last panel?!?!?!

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
so did nobody notice the missing page? After page 22 the angel should enter through the gate hole thing.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
The author of this is horny, high and genius... a perfect mix if I do say so myself.

also.. that last panel tho o.o

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