Manga recommendations

Oct 19, 2020
I’m looking for like a love hate sorta relationship manga manhwa or manhua. No yaoi or yuri

I’m not really looking for taundre, well I am but not really because most of them just fuck over mc and only show love at rare moments and end with assaulting mc. Like toradora or any manga/anime featuring a tsundre. I also hated superior manga because the girl immediately lost all personality and become a happy go lucky slightly angry person.

Examples of what I’m looking for:
hated the fucking manga tho cause satsuki didn’t win so I couldn’t get through the manga also mc just kinda became a dumbass
Satsuki a girl mc meets later on and they sort of hate each other and constantly bicker but that turns into playful flirting and playful bickering and the girl is straight forward.

Unbalance x3(my fav manga of all time prob):
The Mc and love interest hate each other at first but slowly like each other and keep there hating playful flirting/hating thing going on throughout and they are both pretty straightforward and don’t hide there feelings

Alameda ga kill:
I only watched the anime but the main guy and white haired chick made a great couple because even if they didn’t have the playful fighting going on they still had a love hate relationship because they have conflicting ideals.

Open seasame: I loved both mc and girl because they would bicker but wouldn’t really hate each other. Like at the start they would but the girl was sorta of a tsundre and romance only happened at the end and it was a slow build up which I detest, I like longer mangas with fast pacing like they get together by chp 50 out of 300. So something like this but more in line with the other examples.

School days(only watched anime idk know if it has manga: even tho fuck mc he made a great couple with black haired girl
who got pregnant at the end not the crazy bitch on the boat
and they were arguing but there was love there all before the cheating stuff obviously and they pretty flirty but still argued.

Rumbling hearts(anime): mc with girl and they argued and stuff but still clearly liked each other and were flirty and stuff. U prob get the point by now

Code geass
Well kinda because while kallen and lelouch would
be a love hate couple they don’t show a lot of it atleast in the anime and lelouch doesn’t really see kallen in a romantic way

Other ex not manga/anime

Mass effect 2
Miranda hates Shepard but opens up to him more still with a cold attitude and even flirts with him a bit

Yenneffer and geralt have a love hate relationship like being sarcastic and making fun of each other and stuff but they do love each other since yen is sorta possessive

Get shorty(amazing underrated show: his first meeting with his future lover is by him blackmailing her by showing a photo of her in blackface. Tho slowly throughout the show they form a great connection and start flirting a lot through the show eventually start dating.

Peaky blinders(amazing show):
Main guys lover is a spy working for the other side and spy is conflicted. Ik it sounds cheesy af but the show is dark and pulls it off decently well

I have a decent bit of examples because I spent like a hour trying to find mangas that fit this criteria and I got sorta of close but they weren’t really what I had in mind. Also I would love it if it was senein or shounen but if it’s shoujo I guess that’s fine.

Edit: sorry about the shit grammar that’s my bad I just typed it really fast
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018

Cross Game
two Adachi Mitsuru classic where the main couple is not in a good term, one of his best and good gateway for his work.

Ballroom e Youkoso
Chinatsu and Tatara have personality clash that lead to them into barking with each other and I really like how they need to overcome that, one of my favorite 'couple' for sure.
gotta wait until volume 5 for her to come into play though.

Nodame Cantabile
is this count? its not love-hate kind of relationship but a harsh guy meets an eccentric girl, Chiki isn't being a tsundere either, if she irritate him, he really gets irritated but he really appreciate her talent when it shown. It would feel more like a good 'ol fun and games RomCom than what you looking for, I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
I also hated superior manga because the girl immediately lost all personality and become a happy go lucky slightly angry person.
Me too, if i gonna list them i will reach 4 anime characters
Jul 1, 2019
well not manga and not on here but give this a check
Oct 19, 2020

What? Could you clarify what u meant there


My bad should have mentioned manhua(but most of them have a god awful art style) and manhwa were allowed. One of my favourite mangas is actually a manhwa.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
1. Kirisaki Chitoge(Nisekoi)
2. Kousaka Kirino(Oreimo)
3. Konjiki no Yami/Golden Darkness(To love ru)
4. Koneko(DxD Highschool)
anime characters i listed above is tsundere(though Yami&Koneko have kuudere mixed in) that "immediately lost all personality and become a happy go lucky slightly angry person".
and i don't like it, which why i come to term "Tsundere lost her appeal when she turn into dere"
Oct 19, 2020

I don’t particularly like tsundres. All these girls usually treat Mc like shit and warm up to mc but always think they are superior in some sort of way and still fucking beat the sit out of Mc. What I want is where Mc and love interest argue but still openly respect wary other and love each other too. Also it’s like cute arguing too where it’s about like a broken coffee cup or just general life. Even tho they argue they still openly love each other instead of hiding it and saying at certain moments and then assaulting mc. So like if there is a tsundere there should be like a mc who counteracts tsudnere energy. Shit I just realized U weren’t recommending something to me, instead gave examples of the thing I was talking about my bad
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
Shit I just realized U weren’t recommending something to me, instead gave examples of the thing I was talking about my bad
that's the only reason i didn't @ you on my first comment
Oct 19, 2020

Jc do u have anything like I asked for because idk the word to describe the thing I’m looking for it’s def not tsundere but like soemthing around that
Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
@Jackone i didn't write any manga and talk about tsundere because i have no idea.

but i'll give my best guess....
Shirogane from "Kyou no kerberos", just like "Alameda ga kill😂🤣" her ideal contradict with MC, but she'll eventually come to same ground and she will love him

Victorique from "Gosick", i only watch the anime, but i can tell.... despite being tsundere she never look down to MC, well, maybe sometime she said he idiot for being not as smart as her, but they always rely each other, i can say this is my favorite ship in entire anime.

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