Maou Gakuen no Hangyakusha - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Ultra-Sexy Body

Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
It felt like boobs were going to kill me before the demon king war even started.

Boobs. Were going to "kill" him.

Yet another miserably herbivorous MC. I get that this is supposed to be a wish-fulfillment fantasy. The MC is scrawny of body, but still effortlessly incredibly powerful through magic (that's probably why magic is the go-to for special ability in manga like these--great muscular development can make self-insertion for the average Japanese male difficult, I imagine; though muscles tend not to mean much in such stories, either); he has girls smothering him in affection, and it's just such a to-rabu-ru, and he's The One™--as told by the first girl to smother him.

The art's nice (though Lizel's design is marred by pantyhose), and the story could make for an entertaining read despite all of the above (minus just one part), but I don't understand the appeal to JP males of an MC who behaves this way around women who want him. It's already been established that he wants them in a rather carnal way, too, and to his credit, he resists his own urges to take advantage of a licentious Miyabi before he can commit to her. But once he does--why does he act like he doesn't like women? Why is this appealing to JP males? Wouldn't they be better able to self-insert if the MC acted like a normal, heterosexual male?

I mean, we're all reading this for the tits--why would anyone want to read a story about a guy who viscerally jumps away from them?
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 18, 2019
@Giga That's how the author likes to do it in his series, MC is hesitant in the beginning but as the series goes he becomes more proactive with the girls and things keep escalating, till it finally reaches full blow sex. Was like that in HxH, which "ended" in a rather....surprising way. His other MCs are quite different tho, Ecstas Online's MC is more perverted and somewhat chuuni while the MC of his new series, Reincarnation of Demon King Juliet is more like Romeo from Kishuku Gakkou No Juliet.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@Mondemon: Ah, least there's a method to his madness, then. Just so common, though--and hesitance can be done far better, too.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Okay what I don’t get is why these obviously evil demons that wanted the girls only decided to use violence to force them AFTER some random new guy made a contract with them. They don’t seem the type to care about a proper answer (especially considering what they said they’d do to them after). What was holding them back from doing what they’re planning to now?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Okay what I don’t get is why these obviously evil demons that wanted the girls only decided to use violence to force them AFTER some random new guy made a contract with them. They don’t seem the type to care about a proper answer (especially considering what they said they’d do to them after). What was holding them back from doing what they’re planning to now?
They explained.
Aspite originally wanted her to join of her own free will, because she has power and ability. Aspite wants her for her looks and ability. The asshole rapist wannabe is one of Aspite's subordinates, and was originally told to not lay a hand on a group as they were trying to convince them to join him in an amiable way.

The plan's changed because after she chose someone else, it's basically spitting in his face (to him) so he doesn't care about the methods to obtain her anymore.
Boobs. Were going to "kill" him.
I know right it's funny. I'm honestly a big fan of the boob murder gag. Wait are you taking it seriously?
Yet another miserably herbivorous MC. I get that this is supposed to be a wish-fulfillment fantasy. The MC is scrawny of body, but still effortlessly incredibly powerful through magic (that's probably why magic is the go-to for special ability in manga like these--great muscular development can make self-insertion for the average Japanese male difficult, I imagine; though muscles tend not to mean much in such stories, either); he has girls smothering him in affection, and it's just such a to-rabu-ru, and he's The One™--as told by the first girl to smother him.

The art's nice (though Lizel's design is marred by pantyhose), and the story could make for an entertaining read despite all of the above (minus just one part), but I don't understand the appeal to JP males of an MC who behaves this way around women who want him. It's already been established that he wants them in a rather carnal way, too, and to his credit, he resists his own urges to take advantage of a licentious Miyabi before he can commit to her. But once he does--why does he act like he doesn't like women? Why is this appealing to JP males? Wouldn't they be better able to self-insert if the MC acted like a normal, heterosexual male?

I mean, we're all reading this for the tits--why would anyone want to read a story about a guy who viscerally jumps away from them?
Da heck...
I'm gonna break this down.
Why do authors use magic instead of physical build for their characters?
Your answer, they're averse to protagonists who get fit and muscular. This is not the case, tons of harem protagonists in Shounen get the big muscles. They have garbage personalities usually but they're out there. Kenichi is an example off the top of my head(he's a good MC.) There's also that MC of the manga where they get stranded on an island full of dinosaurs.

But that's not the reason. It's because magic changes conflicts. Conflicts are no longer solved by who can beat the other down through physical ability. Conflicts are more strategic which lends itself better to writing. Visual storytelling can do a better job of doing musclebound fights, but in literature, conflicts that are solved like a puzzle are more fitting to the medium.

Regarding his popularity. Yeah try to empathise with these girls. Who else are they gonna like being with. Its not an exaggeration to say that the men in the demon world are all garbage. Demons are truer to their emotions than humans. They are generally more selfish, more aggressive, and more prideful if they have those traits. I know kindness is overrated to you, but the MC is the only person who wouldn't have any expectations of the girls, and he's the only one with the mentality they believe will lead the demon world to a "better place."

It's already been established that he wants them in a rather carnal way, too, and to his credit, he resists his own urges to take advantage of a licentious Miyabi before he can commit to her. But once he does--why does he act like he doesn't like women? Why is this appealing to JP males? Wouldn't they be better able to self-insert if the MC acted like a normal, heterosexual male?
This seems to be the root of your frustration though.
Honestly... saying he's committed to her is pretty insane of an expectation for a high school male. Does he even fully trust that she has his best interest at heart? This shit is appealing to heterosexual men like me cause I hate male characters who treat physical relations like nothing. At the end of the day though, it's probably just the medium. It's a Light Novel that has a lot of other things it wants to do, and build up to a physical relationship down the line once the characters pass an emotional milestone. Makes perfect sense to me.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@TitanAnteus: Plenty of strawman-attacking and incorrect assumption happening in that reply of yours.

To begin with, no matter you meant, romcom MCs of many manga throughout years before and concurrent with this one behaved the exact same way when confronted with an attractive female body (and, curiously, not so much the same way when the female body in question is undeveloped, not unlike the MC of this manga): with what appears to be levels of terror/repulsion such that it defies suspension of disbelief. (The reason for it, I imagine, is because the author--and every other before him that's done this same thing--is trying to emphasize the eroticism of the situation and the attractiveness of the female in question. Each of them fail, however, because the MCs end up appearing to loathe the female form instead.) What is there to take seriously about an MC that can't just lift his head from the breasts to take a breath, and continue to enjoy where he is?

Regarding what you said next, you seem to have a bone to pick. Don't know for sure, but whatever. What I do know is that you appear to have missed all the MCs I've seen in various romcom manga with the exact same build (remarkable when you see their arms as thin as those of the girls they get pushed around by) topped by the exact same hairstyle (in most cases, anyway; sometimes, there's at least a bit of variation) on a head in which is the exact same milquetoast approach to life's happenings--especially when they involve the fairer sex. That said, I'm talking about romcoms and harem manga, not shounen--though they apply too. (This, BTW, is marked as a seinen manga. So tagged, but I don't know if it actually is.) Kenichi is, by the way, a bad example, as he--unlike the MCs I've come across--can't afford to stay scrawny and effete in the sink-or-swim world full of killers his masters throws him into; the same world he willingly followed his beloved Miu into--a girl who, BTW, Kenichi kept laser focus on the whole time, despite the girls coming his way.
If Kenichi behaved like this MC did when some other girl came onto him, it'd be more forgivable: not only is Miu jealous, but there would be no escaping her grandfather, the Invincible Superman (yeah, I'm a fan of the story), should Kenichi actually break Miu's heart.

Regarding the part about magic, I fail to see the distinction. Here, what is accomplished with brute physical force is accomplished with a profusion of raw magical power. What can be accomplished with physical technicality can be accomplished with magical intricacy and versatility. Tactics and strategy apply to both, however the acquisition of substantial power between the two is markedly different, and one--should suspension of disbelief not be infinite--has a higher threshold for said suspension. This works with the aforementioned build that all these MCs share.

My words before made no reference to his kindness--something I do not find overrated either, as there isn't enough of it in this world, especially coming from those who claim to be "kindhearted" (but that's beyond the scope of this conversation) and profess to act in the interest of "kindness". His kindness is an obvious plus for him, and sets him well above the types we've seen so far. What I WAS referring to, on the other hand, was his milquetoast demeanor before women (to his credit, once again, he showed backbone when Reina stepped in to fight Krieger for him, and he stepped back in front of her to finish what he intended to start).

Finally, and as I've delineated above, you misrepresent my "frustration". When I said he "committed" to Miyabi, I wasn't wrong--he, with credit to him here, makes up his mind and commits to the three girls by forming a contract with them (via an intimate means, no less) in the previous chapter. But then the credit goes out the window when he continues to act as if he just can't stand to be near the female body--like so many MCs before him. That reaction is my frustration, one that makes no sense, and adds nothing to the story at this point. And yes, a gradual romantic development is fine, but how can one say that that's the aim here, when the girls themselves go from 0 to 90 in the space of one chapter? This is not that kind of story--it's why I said the reader is "here for the tits". It's why Lizel's and Miyabi's bodies are on display as often as they are, let's not adopt any pretentious assumptions to the contrary. Whatever the case is, if he does not want to engage, he does not need to behave as if he hates the female form--and then let said females force themselves upon him anyway, as if he has no agency. Instead--since he likes the girls, the girls themselves are good ones, and the girls like him--why doesn't he, The Lovers, just settle into developing love for them? Why resist so?

Perhaps you tagged me as some kind of sex-obsessed degenerate who can't appreciate the beauty of a girl unless she's 100% sexual in every relevant way, 24/7. I could be wrong, but your chosen words seem to imply such. You would do well not to make such assumptions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
To begin with, no matter you meant, romcom MCs of many manga throughout years before and concurrent with this one behaved the exact same way when confronted with an attractive female body (and, curiously, not so much the same way when the female body in question is undeveloped, not unlike the MC of this manga): with what appears to be levels of terror/repulsion such that it defies suspension of disbelief. (The reason for it, I imagine, is because the author--and every other before him that's done this same thing--is trying to emphasize the eroticism of the situation and the attractiveness of the female in question. Each of them fail, however, because the MCs end up appearing to loathe the female form instead.) What is there to take seriously about an MC that can't just lift his head from the breasts to take a breath, and continue to enjoy where he is?
Nah, it's because if they're receptive to the girls it means explicitly going out and if ecchi manga are consistent shit would get R-18 real quick. For the most part relationships are kept the way they are with an MC who doesn't want to push things to keep things PG.
Don't know for sure, but whatever. What I do know is that you appear to have missed all the MCs I've seen in various romcom manga with the exact same build (remarkable when you see their arms as thin as those of the girls they get pushed around by) topped by the exact same hairstyle (in most cases, anyway; sometimes, there's at least a bit of variation) on a head in which is the exact same milquetoast approach to life's happenings--especially when they involve the fairer sex.
Most of these stories are coming of age stories. Love Hina, and all that. That's why starting positions are so similar.
But man you're not reading the right harem.

Go read Mushibugyo!, Oda Nobuna No Yabou, Majikoi, the italian magic one... and fuck... I can't think of others off the top of my head. Don't want to dig through my list either. But I've read quite a lot where the starting point the protagonist is in isn't one where they're not confident in their approach to women.
Regarding the part about magic, I fail to see the distinction. Here, what is accomplished with brute physical force is accomplished with a profusion of raw magical power. What can be accomplished with physical technicality can be accomplished with magical intricacy and versatility. Tactics and strategy apply to both, however the acquisition of substantial power between the two is markedly different, and one--should suspension of disbelief not be infinite--has a higher threshold for said suspension. This works with the aforementioned build that all these MCs share.
Ahhh it's a stylistic question then.
So seems like your main problem is that you think that being granted magic the MC is OP now.
I mean... he's gonna get jobbed quite a lot.

That reaction is my frustration, one that makes no sense, and adds nothing to the story at this point. And yes, a gradual romantic development is fine, but how can one say that that's the aim here, when the girls themselves go from 0 to 90 in the space of one chapter? This is not that kind of story--it's why I said the reader is "here for the tits". It's why Lizel's and Miyabi's bodies are on display as often as they are, let's not adopt any pretentious assumptions to the contrary. Whatever the case is, if he does not want to engage, he does not need to behave as if he hates the female form--and then let said females force themselves upon him anyway, as if he has no agency. Instead--since he likes the girls, the girls themselves are good ones, and the girls like him--why doesn't he, The Lovers, just settle into developing love for them? Why resist so?
It is the aim. He's still hampered emotionally to the point where he can't invest himself physically in the relationship. Getting physical with a girl comes with a lot of caveats, and while he's comitted to protecting them at the moment, the story hasn't given adequate enough reason for him to get highly emotionally attached to them. That comes with time, and the relationships will progress into physical territory sooner than later actually.
At this point in the story, he doesn't know for sure if the girls are the good ones. He doesn't know for sure if he likes them. He is enjoying the lewd acts though.

Perhaps you tagged me as some kind of sex-obsessed degenerate who can't appreciate the beauty of a girl unless she's 100% sexual in every relevant way, 24/7. I could be wrong, but your chosen words seem to imply such. You would do well not to make such assumptions.
I did not, but I did make a mistake in your value-set. That's my bad.
Sep 9, 2019
Well, at least the reason behind his fast growth makes sense. The more magic you use, the stronger your magic makes you. If using magic drains your mp, and it takes time to recover it, of course the MC with an ability to instantly recover mp can exploit that, making him stronger faster.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018

1: So, should the MC reciprocate the feelings of the girls, developing a committed relationship, sex will become the only option for the next step? And the MC behaving like he hates the female body is the only way to keep it from happening? If this is how authors think, then it explains a lot. Even if sex ended up in their immediate future (which it doesn't need to be, even in an ecchi manga), it can still be included in the story without turning it into H--multiple stories have done this, in fact, and the ones I have in mind don't have sissy MCs.

2: "Coming of age"? Toward becoming what, a punching bag? A footstool? Perhaps an emotional tampon? Love Hina's a remarkable example you chose, BTW--Narusegawa beat the hell out of Keitaro, and he still rewards her with marriage. It took his adopted sister socking that harpy to (allegedly, I couldn't watch beyond two or three episodes, so many years ago) set her straight. That said, lacking confidence with women is one thing--but once one makes the jump, there's no room for a lack of self-confidence, because it's only through some measure of confidence that one makes the move in the first place. What makes it even harder to believe and/or understand is that the girls reciprocate the feelings. The only reason a guy could be so diffident is because he fears rejection or some other negative outcome; the girls in situations like that of the MC of this story make it clear that there are no negative outcomes to fear. Besides, many of these MCs are in positions that imply they've no business not having "come of age" by that point. You can't tell me some MC will have such a cavalier attitude toward fighting or even killing (be it for just reasons or not), and even demonstrate mature perspectives on either, but some how regress to the mental maturity of a seven-year-old when it comes to women. You'd have to jump through more than a few narrative hoops to rationalize that and suspend disbelief. It's just been done too much, and exceptions do not disprove the phenomenon.

3: Another assumption. You would do well to reread that particular response to you, if you're interested in what I said there. That said, the reason I spoke of magic as I did initially was because it was/is used as a reason to keep MCs looking and behaving exactly as they tend to: like low-T, accordingly spineless wimps. I have no problems with MCs that have massive power, be it physical or magical. But...please do avoid slipping open spoilers into your replies, however minor or indirectly stated.

4: It is not the aim of the author, not when this is an ecchi manga, and not when the lead girl does what she does--once again, 0 to 90 in one chapter. That said, what is he so hampered by? What hampers him so cripplingly that he steels himself, gathers his resolve, and declares his intent to commit to three girls in lingerie in bed with him? (Speaking of which...whatever could their presence in bed with him, in such attire--or lack thereof--mean?) If he was so hampered, why'd he do it? Why didn't he just leave the bed, and wait a few years to properly mature and stop thinking of the female body as so icky?

Moving along, sure, there are responsibilities and caveats involved with getting involved with a woman. But then, once again--why didn't he reject them all if that was such an issue? What caveats could exist upon taking girls who've effectively fallen for him--that he himself is attracted to--as servants, I don't know, but he could have just declined. (Would make even less sense, however.) And while the story has given him no reason to see them as wives just yet, it's given him ample reason to regard them at least as romantic interests--however, it has given him no reason whatsoever to view them as objects of repulsion ("Her's too c-close..!"). That said, and at this point, he knows that these girls are the good ones (Lizel has already explained herself to that end already, and the other two have established their characters already--note, I get the feeling that Miyabi was testing him to see if he was as purely licentious as the others, like the hooded guy in the latest chapter), he does know that he likes them (otherwise, why would he care about taking them as his own, not to speak of protecting them as you said), and his liking the lewdness stems from his actually liking them--otherwise, he'd be no better than The World (don't tell me you think it's solely power he seeks from Lizel, when he already has it and threatens to kill her if she resists him).

I wonder if these girls would still like this guy if he, while keeping his good morals, wasn't so horribly passive. I don't see why not, but it may not be the author's intent.
Fed-Kun's army
May 12, 2020
So how many ppl broke their heads?
Not it!

Also, Thank you for the meal!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
I'm assuming the 'infinite mana' from The Lovers is due to him drawing power from his cards?
Group Leader
Sep 10, 2018
Jesus, these comments were longer than this chapter. I mean damn, just scroll down.

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