there is one giant issue for guns in an age without advanced chemistry
gun powder(specifically black powder here)
gun powder is relatively easy to make for us since we have access to the pure ingredients in a large abundance
but them?
they have to find large deposits of sulfur in ores and purify it which is pretty hard but nothing they cant do with trial and error...
but in any burning substance, there is a crucial ingredient, an oxidizer more specifically saltpeter or potassium nitrate
but... where do you find it?... piss and shit (people also used calcium nitrate but im not very sure on that topic)
usually you find saltpeter in bat and bird guano aka bird and bat shit
another way to get it is with a "niter pit/bed" basically a hole filled with shit piss and organic material left to do its thing for a couple of years
assuming they get all the materials... what about the formula? particle size? purity?
all these things can impact its performance from a powder that can throw a lead ball past the speed of sound to a powder that makes a big puff and throws a lead ball a few hundred meters per second
not to mention the big issue of reliability, the structural integrity, and cost of the guns