By this point we're starting to see that Kiriyama in shogi terms is a monster of the deep. Normally he's this quiet unassuming guy, but put him on the other side of a shogi board and an average pro opponent is hearing "Jaws" music.
@dragons06 he lost. That part when he was face to face with that fish, you can see how scary the fish seems, and the panicked and frightened face of the kid facing the fish. Then we see a huge amount of bubbles, which meant the guy panicked even though he knew that the moment he panics its over. And him at the end saying there are still more days/other days is him reassuring himself that another chance will come.
During the first half of the chapter I thought Rei is starting to look like Souya Meijin when playing, and then the chapter itself started to talk about that very thing. Successfully conveyed even before anything was said.