March Comes in Like a Lion - Vol. 15 Ch. 164 - Path (4)

Nov 1, 2018
@R3yos @dragons06
No, I don't think so. Rei is presumably dead in the eyes of his blood-related family. They may only appear if:
-Something happen to the hospital inherited by his aunt's family
- His grandfather, after 10 years (which seems unlikely) made rei as the inheritor (which is a foolish move)

Life is not perfect, not all problems need to be finished. I don't think Umino-sensei will make an arc about his blood-related family
Apr 24, 2019
@RC21 In my opinion, Rei would only meet his blood relatives for his grandfather's funeral. But even that brief encounter, would cause a big impact on him.
Active member
May 5, 2019
I get your point, yes some things never get resolved. But it would be interesting anyways, it desn't need to be and arc. it could be just a chapter, and he just see them frome afar or something. There is also the thing whit her adoptive sister, wich I feel was left out.
A funeral would be a good way to do so, or him visitng his family grave... like to introducece Hina and the others? could be nice.
Aggregator gang
Jan 25, 2018
I wouldn't exactly say that. The implication seems that Rei only won cuz he got one good move in to basically switch things up and basically kinda stalled the match out until he could settle it, from the looks of it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2019
@DatFcker @F15H According to the board on page 4, Rei won in a dominating manner, his king is in a perfect defensive formation while the other king is completely defenseless and surrounded by multiple attacking pieces.

I also checked the board position from last 3 chapters and they suggested that while Tanaka managed to counterattack, he was no where close to reaching Rei's king.

I guess it's hard to interpret the meaning behind "I won in a terrifying way", but I'm assuming after entering "the zone" Rei played perfectly without any flaw, resulting in complete domination.
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
@saito197 Thank you so much for that information about the Shogi game, that was very good information you just laid on me.
Rei is pretty Scary when it comes to Shogi it seems, I want to try to learn the game at least a little.
Jan 22, 2018
@Purplelibraryguy Good points, it seemed he & Tanaka tried new and different strategies to their game play. Kirayama really is becoming a shogi monster.

Thinking over the chapters since he realized he likes Hina and more so this match we are finally seeing him understand love of family and what he lost. Because for so many years shogi was his strength, his identity and having formed a new family and researching Tanaka... He is at a crisis of identity with how he views his hardships compared to others, now that he knows others have dealt with and conquered similar trials. He now has to finally start dealing with emotions and thoughts about life beyond shogi, it will be interesting to see where that goes.
Feb 18, 2018
I'm convinced Rei does love shogi, I mean just think of his match vs the Meijin... sure he lied at first, but eventually he came to love it. He just need to shrug that feeling of guilt off himself. Maybe that's what we will see in the next chapters. Still, Umino sensei is doing wonders with the way she writes Rei's depression.

Also guys, I didn't think about Rei's foster family coming back, but now that you mentioned it, I really hope Kyouko comes back. I'm still mad at how she got sidelined, her character writing was a real pleasure to read.
Feb 8, 2018
Awh man. Seems like we're finally touching Rei's initial trauma :( Hang in there, son
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It's OK rei, take your time. You're a sweet, earnest kid. Even if it was a lie at the time to survive, you've clung to it as best you can and really succeeded and built up a great relationship with your seniors.

I hope that maybe this next arc will be him talking to his Foster family, I don't know that he'll call them out on how badly he was treated but it'd be nice if he was honest with Foster dad or mum that he lied at the time about liking shogi.

He wasn't talented, he wasn't trying to steal anyone's parents or place, he was just desperately and stubbornly clinging to what seemed like a life raft even if it was filled with holes and haunted by cruel spirits.

He deserves to be honest about that so he can really learn to accept all the trauma he's been carrying since he was little and all the unjustified things he's had done to him.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
@umine Man, this manga has been a wild ride. I've lost a friend to depression this last weekend. Take care.

I've been there before. I remember when the first season of this piece of art came out and hit me in the feels pretty hard. I was just as broken as Kiriyama at the time. His growth was like seeing my reflection. It is something that hits really close to home.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@riflow I don't think he was treated that badly by his foster family. He wasn't abused by them, he was well-fed and from his flashback, there was a point that he got along well with them. I don't think the mother, Kyoko and her brother really had any fault. All the problems started with the father whose priority is Shogi. Kyoko and her brother were just young children and I understand them on a personal level. It is devastating to hear your parents comparing you to another child and are disappointed in you so they acted out. It is understandable that the mother can't really think much about Rei when her children are in a state like that. Kyoko lost her way while her brother becomes a shut-in. They didn't abuse him but they were too busy with their own problems that both Rei and them stopped trying to communicate with each other. The main reason he left that family is because he felt like he was a stranger and he caused problems for them.
He did meet and talk to his foster parents in past chapters but that I don't think he can solve anything just by talking as long as Kyoko and her brother are unable to move on with their life and find the things they want to do beside Shogi.
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
The next chapter is out in Japan, so we’ll probably get it around the end of October.
Always awesome to see the comment section so busy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@miyako19 I understand your viewpoint however my view of his family life is he always felt like he was walking on eggshells even though they were supposed to be supporting him as well.

I don't recall the exact instance but I remember the early chapters of him reliving kyouko acting out in his childhood and saying spiteful unkind things to him, on top of sealing his pain so he could withstand the bullying at school, the lost of his birth family and at least what always felt to me to be a firm rejection by his adopted family (sans dad who at least seemingly only wanted him for shogi) .

His home life from what we've seen wasn't abusive, but he was badly treated by his siblings and didn't feel like he ever belonged there and his big sister(at least if I'm remembering right) said to him no one would miss him if he ever died. And she continued to hit him with terrible remarks as he grew up at the beginning of the series. We didn't see either of his adopted parents really engage with him emotionally, and he seemed to believe that his living situation could snap and fall apart at any moment. He was openly blamed for things that were his father's fault and his adopted mother knew they were blaming him. I can't be angry at the kids for that but his adopted father's selfishness and devotion towards shogi meant he was neglectful in some real ways towards his family including Rei.

And then we started the series with Rei in a deep swamp of a depression caused by him having to sink or swim at shogi with his new dad knowing that it would bring him the bare faced hatred and cruelty of his new siblings and false niceties of his new mother. And if he couldn't live there, his aunt, his closest living family, would send him to an orphanage where who knows what could've happened.

No one helped him process his grief, no one even knew he was ignored and bullied at school, he was a veritable complete and utter social outcast in school and seemed to barely connect with anyone until the beginning of the series. And then he ran away from that house because the guilt and pressure crushed him and he couldn't take it. And then what do we have? A young man crushed by depression, guilt and grief.

I can't in good conscious call that treating a child well. I hope one day he has a conversation with them but whether that leads to anything I don't know. But one can live in hope.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@riflow You're absolutely right. This guy literally had almost nothing going for him growing up. Pain, loss, loneliness ... you name it, he probably had loads of it. Experiences like that growing up would leave anyone a complete wreck of a person, completely broken. There definitely needs to be some conversations that can hopefully start the healing process for that family and our MC.

I wonder if they'll start diving into Kiriyama's heart for shogi, whether he truly loves it or not. He initially chose it as a lie so that he can obtain a family, but I wonder where he is now with it. Deep down, I do think he loves shogi, but I wonder what he thinks of it himself right now.
Active member
Jan 26, 2018
Anyone who saw the raws for the next chapter, any hints on what’s it about ?
Jan 24, 2018
I'm confused about Rei's line of thought in this chapter. Is he feeling survivor guilt? Is he saying he can't focus on shogi anymore like he liked to now that he has other things he cares about?
Nov 1, 2018
So... I just realized something after rereading.
On v10 ch.98, Hayashida-sensei congratulate Rei for being in Finals of Group 3 Shishi-Ou Championship, eventhough the final is on the same day as the school trip (Should be around June)
And now, on October the same year, Rei wins against Tanaka on Finals of Group 4 Shishi-Ou championship.
He cannot be in the same tournament on two groups. As the timeline of Shishi-Ou championship is around winter for Challenger Tourmament (If I take the one when Shimada facing Gotou), I wonder if the translator mistranslated one of the chapter (ch98, maybe) or Umino-sensei overlooked that she used Shishi-Ou championship on different months in the same year
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@goodhunter sorry for the late reply to your comment.

I do hope we explore his identity in relation to shogi and his adopted family, I think it'd be really valuable to see a kind reflection of what it really means to invest yourself into one subject. And especially the emotional stakes of it, I've experienced it personally with uni and my chosen subject (art) and how quickly that can go wrong. (Dropping out of uni sucks hard orz)

I think most people don't actively think about how much they are investing in X interest subject and how it contributes to your sense of identity and self worth, at least until something external or internal forces you to notice. Like poor Rei realising shogi was his life raft after his birth family passed away. At least we know now he's in a majorly better place, and better prepared to pick himself up even if something turns out badly because he has a huge support network now. His own loving found family.

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