The junior teacher is asking the right question. The culprit gets a huge amount of attention from the school, whereas the primary victim is already out of sight, out of mind, and the secondary victim probably gets no attention anymore, either. Luckily Hina doesn't really need it, but under different circumstances (if she didn't have such a warm home and friends), she might.
It's kind of like the situation with prisoners. Every single prisoner costs the state as much as the wage of a random low-level employee. So, instead of having more police officers, firefighters, or whatever, the country supports criminals sitting behind the bars. Of course the prisons do employ a bunch of guards, which is an honest job, but it's still connected to the seeminly bizarre situation of investing massive amounts of money to keep a bunch of people away from the streets. The country most certainly does not pay such attention to the victims of the criminals. They are lucky to recover their monetary losses: petty criminals often are penniless.