Mark as reading from inside the reader :planned:

Apr 23, 2018
Add the ability to mark a not yet followed manga as reading from within a chapter.
Do NOT add the ability to mark a manga as dropped from within the chapter.

When binge reading your new favorite manga, you never have the time to switch to the title page and mark it as read.
Actually, for all, you know you already have! After all, you love this series! Why wouldn't you have already marked it as read when you just binge read it to ch35/72?
This is how I have lost several manga in the past. I just keep assuming I already marked it as reading, without going to the title page to check.

It would be extremely nice to have a follow or mark as reading button on the READER page of manga that we are most obviously, currently READING!
This would allow us to easily mark series we are interested in while doing normal browse reading. Additionally, it would make it hard for us to forget to follow a series we recently started binge reading.

There does NOT need to be a comparably easy way to drop a series from the reader. At most, an undo button in case we accidentally push follow. If an undo button is included, the button should disappear on the next reload, or when we move to the next chapter. Accidentally dropping a series does not need to be made easier.

Alternatively, a dropdown dialog with the options of Follow "Reading" or "Plan to Read" would be nice. But marking as just reading is good enough for now, as it adds it to the list so we can see it, and correct the following status later if necessary.

On an unrelated note, the ability to additionally change the rating from inside the reader would be a nice to have feature. That said, I would likely give overzealous ratings if it were implemented. Since I am most emotional while, and directly after reading a chapter. Such a feature would mostly benefit binge readers, who may not be redirected to the title page for a few days since they are catching up.

Example visuals:

Follow button

Optional follow options

Optional Timed unfollow button. To undo accidental follows. Disapears after 10 seconds, or on page reload or chapter change.

10 seconds after following, or after a page reload or chapter change, the unfollow button should disapear leaving us with the screen we are used to!

Alternatively, the button could switch to a disabled state, with the text "Followed" or "Reading". But definitely should not allow you change follow state. To stop following, one should go to title page.
Apr 23, 2018
Other threads I found looking for the same or similar features:

Follow feature

Threads with related problems which would be partially worked around by this:
Mark series as read even when they're not followed
Sypnosis: Chapters we read are not remembered before following, so once we decide to follow it, it doesn't remember where we left off.
Relation: By following from within the chapter, we could additionally mark the chapter as read, partially circumventing the issue.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
These are features that I would have implemented months ago if I had the API to do so.
Apr 23, 2018
Not sure what VIP is, so just to be sure. Do you mean you would have official implemented it, or unofficially in a user script? I am assuming the latter since no new API level features should be needed to implement this.
Currently implementing it myself in a user script. Stealing the code from the title page. (just like I stole the buttons :p)
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@firefish5000 posted:

Not sure what VIP is, so just to be sure.
Oh, sorry. Ignore the VIP. I'm the person in charge of developing the new on-site reader, but at the moment I have no access to any other code. The API feature would be needed for checking what the current follow and rating status of the manga for the particular user is without relying on brutely scraping it from
Apr 23, 2018
Ahh! Well, guess what your looking for is a little more backend and server side than javascript and ajax queries. Getting that info would be hard without an API for it, or the ability to query the db. No use in me speculating from the outside though. Good luck mate!

Tagging you in since you recently made the same request, Would have jumped onto your thread had I noticed it before posting my own.
Regarding marking all chapters prior as read. For the most part, I think just having the one your currently reading marked will be enough. It tells you where you left off so you know where to start reading next time. I don't normally see not having all previous chapters marked as a problem. But I guess it is useful for keeping up with chapter extras and specials which are often uploaded long after the chapter is uploaded. Not everyone checks their follows every day after all.

If we were to mark all previous chapters as read, my main questions would be:
1) Should we actually take read chapter history into account (since this now seems to be tracked separately from the marked as read state)? Or do we just mark all chapters from all groups in your language as read?

2) New chapters/extras may have been uploaded below while you were reading? Do we care? Keep in mind, some busy people leave the page open for a few days before they can get back to it. (IMHO it's not a big deal if we miss a special or two due to this).

3) Some people (me) will jump to the middle of the series to see what it develops into before deciding whether to read it or not
(introductory/world building chapters are almost always good. But a story isn't a barrage of new ideas from an energetic author. Its what becomes of those ideas over time. For our new mangakas, it's usually nothing)
. Do we cater to these people too? Or should they just go back to the title page or first chapter before marking as followed? (I'm fine with that. I only do that if I fear the series is not going to go anywhere)

#3 is the only thing I can think of that would make doing that problematic. Not sure how many would be affected by it. If I am not a complete oddball, then this could be problematic enough to warrant not marking previous chapters as read, or giving a prompt "Would you like to mark all chapters up to ${current_chapter} as read?"

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