Martial God Asura

Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
Martial god Asura, Lord of All realms, Sovereign Of the three realms are 3 of my fave wuxia novels. But, these designs aren't how I imagined them at all, nor are they depicted this way in the native art. But none the less, Glad one of em finally got a manhua. it's gonna be a PAINFUL amount of years before this catches up to the novel though.
Jan 1, 2019
Martial god Asura, Lord of All realms, Sovereign Of the three realms are 3 on my shitlist wuxia novels.....

First 500 chs are interesting after that, repetitive plot and some ctrl+c ctrl+v for dialogue and story progress.

the novel is like the author's life depend on this. if it s end, he doesnt know what to make a living with.

dont believe me? fine! go to novelupdates and other websites for reviews.

if you like MC who is the epitome of chosen one plot armor, OP, harem, and lucky star with MC skills, this is difinitely yr.

if not, go find something else....

if you like a lazy novel description like

"many enemies surround MC with killing intent"

next sentence is "MC swings his almighty weapon in his hand"

and next "they all turn into the mist of blood for their foolishness", this is also difinitely yr.
Sep 19, 2019
Oh I've read the WN on wuxia up to chapter 21XX... It is quite fun, although repetitive. Protagonist is weak but righteous, offends someone above him who is morraly bankrupt, runs away, trains, becomes massively stronger, laughingly defeats the current "villain", the villain plots revenge and gets killed in a second battle... repeat ad infinitum.

Along the path he rises to godly levels and keeps doing the exact same thing over and over again. It works quite alright as a moral lesson and explains chinese understanding of right and wrong behaviour, but lacks deeper reflections.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
oh dear god

the shittiest shitshow of a webnovel: the manhua. Whoever rated this 10 needs their head examined. MGA doesnt even reach "so bad it's good" territory and just stews in "so bad it's masochistic to read more than a few hundred chapters"
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Let's just say it's infamous among the webnovel community... not for good reasons. That said, it's probably good enough if you just want something trashy to kill time with and don't have high expectations.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
Imagine a shittier version of God of Martial Arts with Lin Feng😂
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2018
If you want to know the reviews from the novel, in novelupdates...


I’ve read up to chapter 606 before dropping this series. The beginning of it was great; introducing many characters and adding a SLIGHT personality to them. But, the more you read, the more obvious it is to understand that the author has absolutely no idea how to build a semi-interesting story line. Literally, the author follows the same sub-formula EVERY SINGLE ARC. There’s no derivation from it, or any substantial improvement to the formula at all.


Don’t even get me started on the characters past chapter 300. I could go on a 17 page rant about how crippled the characters appear to be due to the lack of personality and sentience. The author was so lazy to create any interesting characters, so he implemented a simple solution: copy and paste one character onto another and change the name. All females introduced in this book up to chapter 606 are the SAME. But, wait! The author isn’t so crazy as to make it so obvious, right? He slightly change each female’s background story, BUT didn’t bother changing their personality. Most of them will flock to the MC and hope that they’ll let him put his dong into their precious spot. I said most, because a fanboy will go out of his way and correct me by pointing out one, and only one candidate. Who is that candidate? I don’t know; ask the fanboy who is so gun-ho on proving me wrong. And then ask him what it is about the character that makes them so interesting. Here’s the joke: there’s absolutely nothing interesting about THEM. I can’t even remember the names of any female that the author discarded, because there wasn’t any lasting impact.

If you’re still reading this and haven’t figure it out, then let me spill it out for you: DON’T READ THIS BOOK. The characters are mindless idiots who can’t see Mt. Tai. The MC is an idiot, but the author tries so hard to make him seem smart. The mindless females who surround him everyday are idiots with NO LIFE. What do I mean by that? The females are there for the sole reason of taking the MC’s virginity. That’s it! Funny, right? They are two dimensional characters who have no goals in their life or any ambition as an individual. Very flat, and extremely underdeveloped. It also helped that the females who are allowed to be by his side are only peerless beauties. Right? I’m not wrong, am I, author? Please correct me if I am.

Every male enemy he encounters will die, because this author loves killing people. The villains or fodders that impede the MC are absolutely destined to die, because their ability to think is at the level of a dog. Why did I say dog? Because, the author makes EVERY FREAKING MALE act on animal instincts and not their brains. The author made it seem like males can only think with their donger and not with their heads.

Tl;dr: Don’t even touch this book with a 10000km pole. Stay FAR FAR AWAY FROM IT.

I hope I subtly spoil enough of the story, so that you won’t read it. Trust me; I’m doing you a favor.

I rate this book a 1/5


P.S. I have no ill will towards the author. Also, shout out to the translation team for being so awesome and taking the time out of their life to translate an extremely repetitive book.

Edit: I forgot to talk about battle scenes. They were far more enjoyable early on in the novel. It seems that everything related to the novel drastically loses its touch after every arc in this book. Wait... I think I see a pattern here...

Tl;dr part 2: I originally intended to write a few pages about how bad things got with the battle system, but I decided to delete everything. The more I wrote about it, the more I realize I'll be spoiling the story for people. To prove my point I'd have to backtrack to an example, copy it, and explain why it gets worse from there. Doing all of that would take more time out of my life which I am not willing to spend on this book. So, take my word for it or don't.

P.S.S.: My fellow brothers and sisters out there who are still reading this novel, you guys are amazing masochists. I'm sad, but also glad and relieved, to be departing from this novel. I hope the author doesn't disappoint you with whatever crazy plot he contrive in the future.


That was a joke. I don't think this book can handle any other plot besides repeating the same thing over and over with different characters.

This is a very poor novel, it had potential, but while cultivating, it took the wrong step and become a cripple.

That's how I would describe this novel. It started out with an interesting story, but it just kept taking the wrong, most boring steps as it progressed.
It's been quite some time since I dropped this, but I still remember the story clearly, but yet, the characters I don't, which tells you just how memorable they are. First off, this is a harem, a real harem, as in he actually f*cks them, not just talks with them, but the girls themselves have zero personality, they're simply there to be his s*x dolls for whenever he needs to wet his willy.
They have no goals besides following MC around and it's just so sad and boring reading about it all. There's simply no "love" in MCs world, besides "willy-wetting", which is displayed by randomly raping as punishment, yes, that's right a MC that actually r*pes, kinda cool, but then again not. It's like he can only think with his d*ck sometimes.

The MC have no morals of "right or wrong", it's more like whatever he feels like. He has so many inconsistencies because of this and no real personality, since everything goes.

I dropped this mostly because of the tasteless harem which it turned into, since the combat was al right, but predictable and overall generic as it kept the same patterns every battle, but still enjoyable read.

But this novel has too many problems, and MC just adds fuel to the fire; ret*rded, hot-blooded, s*upid-trying-to-be-smart, twisted morals, ruthless, I mean, you could go on.
Simply put, this story revolves around the MC, glorifying everything he does as right. I'd be O.K, with him raping and killing mindlessly, if there was actually a reason for it, instead of acting like an animal all the time, it's just boring and lazy fetish writing.

Overall this novel has ton of problems, but the harem and the barbaric/Viking MC that pillage, r*pe and kill everything just comes of as a mindless animal without any sort of control, there's no character to build from that.

2/5, originally I'd say 1/5, but gave it some mercy points, since I did like it somewhat until the harem and the mindless animal MC became.

This is one messed up novel.
first of all, the MC is too proud and arrogant and an idiot who kills anyone that offends him without thinking about the consequences which leads to enemy hurting those people important to him which again leads to him killing more of them. Thus the cycle begins. This is pretty much how the story goes, maybe even till the end.

And second, he r*pes women and thinks it’s only reasonable because they tried to kill him and the people close to him. *Sigh* maybe the author has a fetish for r*pe or something. Isn’t it enough that he kill them instead?

*sigh* in short, this novel is about an MC who is pretty much the same as other tr*sh villains in the story, the only difference is he won’t die like the others or get punished for his crimes whatsoever because he’s the f*cking MC and everything he does is justifiable. *Cough* *cough*

That's the top 3 reviews
Apr 25, 2020
When I remember that I started reading Chinese novels with this sh*t. F*ck.
Don't read that, seriously don't read it except you're a masochist.
Aug 7, 2019
Sooooo, as you may have gathered from other comments. This will go downhill. Likely quickly if the average standard of these adaptations is used. BUT! You can enjoy it until it reaches that point. I never read the novel myself so I plan on following this until I get sick of it.
Active member
Dec 6, 2018
Ah the good days
Back in 2017 or so I read the fuck out of MGA on wuxiaworld until I hit 2000 chapters in the web novel and then finally got sick of the story being repeated, only with different names and locations

Im not shitting on the translator, just expect this to not have an ending - like ever - if it follows true to the original novel.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
MGA is the pinnacle example of a bad xianxia, however it's not bad at all in the beginning(relatively), and it would probably take years for the comic to catch up to where it gets bad (around 2000 chapters in).
You may be then wondering why such a bad novel got a manga adaptation, let me remind you that the anime sword art online has TEN anime adaptations and atleast two more in the making.
Aug 18, 2020
I can’t believe they made a manhua of this... I better hope Someone or Author will pick up on making a manhua for “Martial World” but the quality should be on par with “Solo Leveling”. I swear the MC( Lin Ming) is my Ideal type of MC. A kind of Mc with Calm, Strategic mind, battle frenzy, not greedy and doesnt drool every time He sees a beautiful Girl but let the Time flow instead to get the love. Just my kind of MC, others like MC that is sexual addict or basically complete opposite of what I listed.
Aug 16, 2020
This has 4400+ chapters on Wuxiaworld, and also one of the worst ratings.
There are so many repeated expressions in the chapters that after ~1600ch, you can simply skip to the conversations, leaving aside all the fluff-writing.
The reason to do so: why would you care how the terrain looks like, when you know that the MC will not visit it ever again? It is just random, repeated info to your brain. Why would you care how angry/upset/etc the villains are, when you could literally just change the names,and the scenarios would play out the same?

MC has a treasure. Some young master sees the treasure, and wants him to forfeit it. MC, of course, does not give his treasure away, so he fights the young master's soldiers. He kills them/beats them up, and thus, there's more reason for the young master to hate him more. Back-and-forth quarreling and bloodshed, and the young master is punished.
Now imagine this, but a 100X.

MC is
often bullied by great sects,
but after ch~1600, he
just doesnt take the revenge he spoke about for many chapters,instead,he fucks off and wanders away to other places.
The 'Cursed Soil Sect' literally sacrificed millions of people for their blood essence, so they could advance their own cultivation, MC says "I must wipe out these evildoers!!!!!!!!", but later on, he even gifts them a fucking high-ranked treasure sword.

And the best part is: you read how he nearly dies like 1000 times to advance his cultivation, but random-ass people just go from ""weak ass noob to nearly god-level"" (I don't want to spoil cultivation ranks). All the insanely rare stuff he had to consume,all the adventure, all the hardships were invalidated at that point.

Up until ch1600, it is a pretty nice novel, a strong 7/10. After that, it is deteriorating: after ~2600ch, it is insulting the readers' intelligence.
Aug 16, 2020
I've read it up until ~ch3900; the same encounters, the same fights, the same "surprised pikachu face"-type of "revealing" ("oh,so you WERE an XY rank cultivator!!4!!").
If the manhua cuts out most of the fluff-writing, then it could be a somewhat average read,but for that, it needs more than half of its chapters to be thrown out.

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