@Siikalahna How else do you want him to "... get on with it" if he's already trying to obtain the imperial jade seal?
@iamagaroze I wouldn't use the manhua as an accurate representation. Since you read the novel, you should be aware how different they are. As for the mask, if you're diligent enough, you could go back and scour volume 5, where I did put an image closer to what the mask looks like. Don't ask me which chapter it was. I don't remember.
@givemersspls Not covered in the manhua, yet, and don't know if it ever will be. An entire chapter was spent explaining the dynamics, ins and outs, and political situation in the novel about this, but here is a very simplified version: Mount Daluo and the emperor are in a long-term friendship from the time of the erstwhile emperor. The imperial court will continue to treat Mount Daluo decently for as long as MFZ's grandmaster is alive. After his grandmaster's time, the sect will deteriorate more and more with each passing generation. Mount Daluo needs merits to their name. Revealing herself puts Mount Daluo on the list for having contributed to assisting the imperial court during the insurgency.
That being said, this manhua is veering off the novel's track significantly, so let's see how it holds up.