ok so MC said 3 wives and four concubines but i can't think of all of them.
i think its clear to say who 2 of the wives are, Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang. but the 3rd is a little harder, i'd say best bet being Shan Qing Luo or Qiu Yi Meng, but the issue is i don't see either as being just a concubine so that leaves me thinking Shan Qing Luo is 3rd wife and Qiu Yi Meng is just not counted in the number as she wants MC to marry into her family and we know that's not going to happen. so now we get to concubines i think its safe to put Hu Mei'er and Hu Jiao'er as 2 of them but that leaves 2 more that i'm not sure about but i think Zi Mo is the most likely to be in there with maybe's going to Shui Ling/Leng Shan/Dong Qing Yan, i will also add Bi Luo/Luo Xiao Man as they are servants of Shan Qing Luo and Qiu Yi Meng (but i think they are unlikely)