why is all chinese series so absurdly stupid? all the MC was doing was practicing self defense against criminals assaulting them and trying to rob them, yet the MC is the one who is to be punished?
and why is not that useless blue haired bastard punished yet for trying to outright murder the MC during the competition simply because he won the competition fair and square?
and now he is even lying to try and make the MC look like the one in the wrong and is trying everything he can to get the MC punished for being the only one doing the right thing, and even worse, everyone involved, even the freaking MC himself is barely even trying to explain the situation.
it's always the same with all these below 3rd rate chinese series, no matter what the situation may be, the MC is always the one in the wrong and is to be punished, it's a freaking miracle he did not end up being punished anyways, just because, like they normally do in these wuxia series.