Juri's a part of her E-Sports team? Man, she goes to a lot of places!
Sofia's crazy. Come on, your dad seems to be the bootcamp type of guy. Lying to him about your true reasonings for coming to Japan is just gonna be really troublesome for everyone involved. And really? Telling your dad Yamano-san is your lover? Come on, have pity on Yamano-san. He's not interested in this kind of nonsense.
I say listen to your dad Sofia. I'm not saying go get a boyfriend, but you are impulsively living your life designed around games. It's one thing to want to be better, but it's another thing to disband an e-sports org and then disappear. Other people were affected by that second choice.
I'm more than sure enough that Yamano will impress Sofia's Dad, but they really should be practicing for the games right now.
Sofia's family seems really loaded. I mean, that's a military helicopter right there!
I mean, every Street Fighter character ever has always managed to travel the world one way or another, that's not surprising. What IS surprising is seeing Juri in an e-sprots team, and a battle royale one at that. Pretty sure video games aren't her thing when she can go and pick fights with both pros and amateur thugs anytime, anyplace.
Now that I think about it, how does Ryu get around? He spend almost every waking moment training, so where does he get the money? (completely rhetorical question here, don't really need an answer, just curious).
Btw, while Sofia's family is indeed loaded, access to certain military hardware wouldn't apply. Especially a Boeing Chinook CH-47 (the helicopter's official name), most models are sold to and exclusively used by militaries across the world. Civvy models and demilitarized CH-47Ds do exist, but I doubt that's one of them.
For those curious, a Boeing Chinook CH-47F (latest model) costs somewhere between US$60-90 Million. But that's for the airframe alone, the fuel & maintenance costs would be staggering.