I posted this on our release of the chapter, however I thought it may be a good idea to post this here as it is fairly important.
Heya guys, I've seen your concerns about some of the mistakes we may have made in our release, and yes, we have made some which we will be fixing, and are committed to trying to improve ourselves. Thanks a lot to everyone that read, and enjoyed our version!
Everybody who worked on this chapter, me, Arubedo, Usabuns, and Raf all really enjoy the series, and releasing our own version was super enjoyable for all of us, we definitely do want to continue working on the series. However, we also care about quality, for any of the cleaning errors and some loss of detail you may have noticed, I have found a much better way to clean it while also bringing the screentones back which were lost due to being extremely compressed on jump+.
So here's a comparison for you to see how much better our method will be with the next chapter.
As for any translation mistakes you may have noticed, we have also contacted the previous translator Ardesc to see if we can work something out between ourselves instead of releasing two versions, hopefully we are able to work something out and release one version in the highest quality possible, for you, the readers to be able to enjoy.