I just.. uh.. I don't... *sigh*
This story WANTS to be charming. I want this story to be charming. The art is charming. Then why is it just coming off as creepy?!
It's like pieces for a bubbly, charming fatasy romance are there, but.. there's no soul. No thought was given to the background, or else it's glaringly apprarent how unsettling this whole thing is. The MC is a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kinda airhead - unless he's being raped at the moment. The Men at his village are effectively reduced to sex-crazed animals. The women reduced to bodies used for sex and birthing children. The one-eyed bloke who tried to rape MC, once Kami-sama frees the women, welcomes his - I assume - wife back like it's some touching moment. Right after he literally tried to rape a man because he apparently was not able to resist his manly urges or some shit like that? What the hell is this.
And then the MC and ML apparently couldn't get the earlier events out of their minds and get going too. Just that Kami-sama apparently does this to get a child, doesn't he? He even says so. So, does he really love the MC or is it just all for the baby. Also, HOW? Also, why did he want a girl speficically if he just wanted to talk? Did he not do it to be able to have that child? ANd if he did, then, AGAIN, what the hell is with the MC?!
This got recommended to me as simiar to Kamisama To Tobenai, but jesus christ was this a miss.