the 'goodness' of a story is dependant on the MC not being an asshole? what? this has been more or less screamed at you for the past 10 chapters, whaaaa?MC is a heartless PoS, choosing intentionally to make things hard when they don't need to be for someone who's having the worst day of almost anyone's life, and then basically discarding her worth as a person because she's at her wit's end.
So much for any hope this could have been a good story.
If that's what you think my comment was based on, I'll just say you're looking at things superficially.the 'goodness' of a story is dependant on the MC not being an asshole? what? this has been more or less screamed at you for the past 10 chapters, whaaaa?
If that's what you think my comment was based on, I'll just say you're looking at things superficially.
We have the MC and the princess, and the story is making it so that the princess has to become more like the MC in order to succeed and even be worth saving.
The story is praising the MC's selfishness by comparing it to a more innocent point of view and saying she's only worth saving if she's going to become just as bad as the MC.
Congrats, you have an evil protagonist whose moral views are not only explored, but also explained and shown as the only views worth having.
The MC is choosing to make her life even more miserable and complicate things when he doesn't have to, he just wants to.
The story is presenting breaking the princess down and making her like the MC as a positive thing.
it's literally all from the pov of the MC, wutthe story
again, it's all told from the perspective of an MC who's the definition of self-interest, so why the fuck are you acting like it's prescriptive???shown as the only views worth having
And what about what the MC is doing to the princess? Just because it's from the MC's POV, doesn't mean it's not the story saying's literally all from the pov of the MC, wut
like, the evaluations are the MC's, have you never heard of an unreliable narrator?
and you say I'm looking at things superficially?
again, it's all told from the perspective of an MC who's the definition of self-interest, so why the fuck are you acting like it's prescriptive???
like, by no means is it a serious critique, but everyone, including the MC, accept that by any normal social non-sociopathic human's standards, MC is bricked in the head in a big way, and that his decisions and evals are only ever 'good' by lucky circumstance
hell if the pov was third person limited and still said such things I might even agree with you partially, but the fucking narration is all, all first person. Literally all first person. Literally roleplaying chuuni mcedgelord sociopath. By all means "the story" is hannibal lecter giving a long-winded lecture, and you're expecting him not to give justification???
anyways, a competent analysis is basically, the story (so far) implies "only evil mfers have the ability to enforce their goals" (not really because it was more luck than anything) and beyond that "simple ideals shatter in the face of overwhelming power" which is just true, but also much harder to apply irl than one might think.
And what about what the MC is doing to the princess? Just because it's from the MC's POV, doesn't mean it's not the story saying something.
It's a deconstruction of iseaki, and the message of this deconstruction is that kindness is useless. Even the other heroes were useless.
Then again, I'm probably thinking too much into this. Most isekai are written poorly or add one bad aspect and I don't know why on Earth I expected more balance from this one.
Yeah, the MC is insufferable, he is doing evil things to the princess' psyche, and only the MC is strong enough despite 4 other heroes being around.
Please excuse me if I find his motivations skewed, a bit nonsensical, and twisted. His involvement with the princess feels forced by the author's hand, not by the MC's own desires.
Not to mention, the portrayal of the kindly but ignoant royal family. Did no one ever tell them they're bleeding their people dry? They seemed like the kind of people that would actually do something to help the people if they were aware.
And then they all get slaughtered. It very much seems like kindness was added to the royal family at the last moment (because before then they didn't seem that way, and right at the last moment the story has to tell us they're kind instead of show that beforehand) just to further emphasize the point that kindness is useless.
Then again, I'm probably putting more thought into this than the author did.
Story says, and get this, giving op power to sociopath is pretty fucking bad. Considering how many isekai protags have gone and murdered groups of 'bandits' at a time, honestly, this MC's at least upfront about being an asshole. Beyond that, it hasn't said anything, considering it hasn't developed any of the main characters to completion (MC, aliyah, the heroes).MC pov, but story still saying something!
???kindness is useless
balance? from a manga with OP in the english name? idk, maybe you should read the entire title at least once next time?more balance
he's a sociopath. he's literally bricked in the brain. he admits to not having empathy, and literally has to emulate emotion. he's entirely driven by impulse ("as my curiosity demands"), he has absolutely 0 remorse ("feeling nausea should be normal after killing a person..."), and you're sitting here wondering why he doesn't act normally. Gee I wonder why.skewed, nonsensical, twisted
the author set that up over several chapters, i don't know where your exact issue is. I mean, puppet princess that he initially dismisses pulls a fast one on him, and he thinks "wow I didn't expect that! how interesting!" and because he's a sociopath he now regards her as his favorite toy. More or less.princess
wrong, an easy alternative explanation is that they are classist as fuck, and if you've never heard of NIMBYs or Nietzsche or even Churchill's views on Jews, read up.kindly but ignorant
beforehand they didn't do that much of anything besides... moneygrub? And their exact relation to their children hadn't been clarified. Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what that beat was for either, but it's not incredibly out of place, as it makes the coup jump out.beforehand
...believe what you will, i guess.putting more thought
I'm not taking a sociopath's advice, and I'm not saying the story is meant to give advice. But that doesn't mean the story isn't portrayed so cynically as to be unbelievable. It's a depressing read, as the plot and MC are both attacking kindness, and there's a lot of focus on breaking the princess' psyche.Story says, and get this, giving op power to sociopath is pretty fucking bad. Considering how many isekai protags have gone and murdered groups of 'bandits' at a time, honestly, this MC's at least upfront about being an asshole. Beyond that, it hasn't said anything, considering it hasn't developed any of the main characters to completion (MC, aliyah, the heroes).
why are you taking a sociopath's fucking advice? WHY? WHY ARE YOU TAKING HIS REASONING AT FACE VALUE?
This is the issue, why do you think "well the narrator must be saying the thing the author thinks!!1!!!" when AGAIN, we've gone through ONE FUCKING ARC?
like, to me it screams "giving out cheats is some real russian roulette" or "cheats can make the classic hero journey go sideways so fast," not "kindness is useless," again, unreliable narrator, stop listening to the self-admitted sociopath for your life advice and interpretation please
balance? from a manga with OP in the english name? idk, maybe you should read the entire title at least once next time?
he's a sociopath. he's literally bricked in the brain. he admits to not having empathy, and literally has to emulate emotion. he's entirely driven by impulse ("as my curiosity demands"), he has absolutely 0 remorse ("feeling nausea should be normal after killing a person..."), and you're sitting here wondering why he doesn't act normally. Gee I wonder why.
the author set that up over several chapters, i don't know where your exact issue is. I mean, puppet princess that he initially dismisses pulls a fast one on him, and he thinks "wow I didn't expect that! how interesting!" and because he's a sociopath he now regards her as his favorite toy. More or less.
wrong, an easy alternative explanation is that they are classist as fuck, and if you've never heard of NIMBYs or Nietzsche or even Churchill's views on Jews, read up.
beforehand they didn't do that much of anything besides... moneygrub? And their exact relation to their children hadn't been clarified. Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what that beat was for either, but it's not incredibly out of place, as it makes the coup jump out.
...believe what you will, i guess.
I'm not taking a sociopath's advice, and I'm not saying the story is meant to give advice. But that doesn't mean the story isn't portrayed so cynically as to be unbelievable. It's a depressing read, as the plot and MC are both attacking kindness, and there's a lot of focus on breaking the princess' psyche.
My reference to balance is in regards to how cynical the story is. I wasn't expecting the story to keep leaning so hard into a sociopathic character, or rather, I wasn't expecting the MC to be this cruel.
And maybe you're right, maybe the intention is to show how bad it is to give power to a sociopath, as it does show how awful the MC is. It doesn't feel like that was the intention to me, but maybe it was.
Joker, the movie, was brilliant and showed a character that wasn't likeable, but it also wasn't trying to make me root for the MC. This manga has an unlikable character, but for some reason I feel like the manga is trying to get me to root for him instead of just showing the journey... maybe that's a fault of how prevalent the tropes are throughout isekai, and simply using them causes me to mentally include feelings and expectations of protagonists that are more likeable?
You make a good point about the royal family possibly being classist. Not that I think most manga authors think that far through in world building, but it's possible.
honestly I feel like FFF trashhero is worse in terms of cynicism (maybe, i don't remember that clearly but I remember everyone being irritating), but hell there's no shortage of revenge plots that feel super cynical, because yeah the MC here is a horrid piece of shit and we're still not done with the russian roulette but in the grand scheme of things he's also done very little. Again, the story hasn't gone far enough for us to judge further, several minor confrontations and one medium-sized, the big questions only just got setup (MC's background, MC and aliyah's minefield of a relationship, MC figuring out what he wants to do regarding the heroes, etc). Looking at the untl'd chapters (well, tl'd into french), characters are going to figure out how to handle MC, and he's gonna get embroiled into more shit as a result of his self-centered lazinesscynically as to be unbelievable
only insofar as that kindness isn't backed up by power. Well, the knight captain's 'kindness' goes kinda sideways (this is an involved discussion so i won't go further here), but really, you could easily claim that they sat on their hands wrt an unknown explosive for way too long just as easily as you can blame their 'kindness.' Never asking him what he wants to do long-term, not checking to make sure he's not noodling around, I can only say it's negligent handling.attack kindness
I never got around to seeing that movie, woops. Tho honestly just from his background I have a hard time calling him 'unlikeable,' sure in the end he chooses to do some fucked up shit but his circumstances were never good, and those circumstances certainly aren't his fault. He's a shitty character in a shitty situation who gives up on normal behavior because he literally cannot sustain normal behavior anymore, which honestly is less severe than MC here.joker
it's not impossible. Death Flags, if you know that one, is really heavy handed in outright telling you (on top of showing you) that harold's parents are classist as fuck, and at the time I felt it was a bit redundant, but now I wonder if that was necessary because most readers are unwilling to give that much benefit of the doubt?classism? does the author think that far
as for the message, right, I slapped shit together cuz it was an easy basic interpretation.I'm not taking a sociopath's advice, and I'm not saying the story is meant to give advice. But that doesn't mean the story isn't portrayed so cynically as to be unbelievable. It's a depressing read, as the plot and MC are both attacking kindness, and there's a lot of focus on breaking the princess' psyche.
My reference to balance is in regards to how cynical the story is. I wasn't expecting the story to keep leaning so hard into a sociopathic character, or rather, I wasn't expecting the MC to be this cruel.
And maybe you're right, maybe the intention is to show how bad it is to give power to a sociopath, as it does show how awful the MC is. It doesn't feel like that was the intention to me, but maybe it was.
Joker, the movie, was brilliant and showed a character that wasn't likeable, but it also wasn't trying to make me root for the MC. This manga has an unlikable character, but for some reason I feel like the manga is trying to get me to root for him instead of just showing the journey... maybe that's a fault of how prevalent the tropes are throughout isekai, and simply using them causes me to mentally include feelings and expectations of protagonists that are more likeable?
You make a good point about the royal family possibly being classist. Not that I think most manga authors think that far through in world building, but it's possible.