Being a F2P/newbie is just a in-between state until you become something else
jokes aside tho, these are clearly not the "only" 4 types of players so it can be expanded on and is made just for laughts.
So we could get some other types in future comics.
if you want your list of 4 types to be all inclusive you need to keep them much more generic.
The PvP chad is fine and so is the overachiever, but the other two are too specific.
The comic´s 4 types could actually be very screwed up version of
Bartle 4 player archetype tho.
You just got to squint really hard, especially on the fake girl one xD
The PvP chad is clearly the "killer archetype", tho a killer archetype according to Bartle enjoys competition, wich can also includes PvE combat and not just PvP.
The over-achiever is the "achiever archetype".... it's pretty much a full match and it explains itself, just exaggerated for the sake of laughs just like the PvP chad.
The merchant can fall under the "Socializers archetype" unless they are doing it mainly as a means to an end, witch is why its abit too spesific... but can fit with some work.
( The social archetype includes people who finds enjoyment in playing games by interacting with other people/characters and less so for its objectives witch is what the achiever archetype does. )
That only leaves the fake girl to fit into the "Explorer archetype" that is all about enjoying the world itself by find cool place, learn the lore etc etc.
So i gusse the fake girl is "exploring" other players's underpants and/or pockets looking for "treasure" right now in this comic.
( who am i to say this is not a Full Dive VR MMORPG like sword art online / Overlord / any other "transported into a game world" type of manga where you can really enjoy the feeling of every single booty slap she is going to get for being a bitch)
Also Yes i am clearly taking this comic way to seriously.