Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 3 Ch. 11.2

Aug 11, 2018
@immortalartisan Yeah, I've been getting Elite vibes more and more from this manga.
Which is a good thing, 'cause Elite is amazing.

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 19, 2018
For those who still doesn't know it, the author played Elite Dangerous, hence the similarities to it. You can read the WN or the LN if you really wanna know what's next.
In case some still don't know what type of ship the Krishna is, it's a Fer-De-Lance in Elite: Dangerous.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
"A million enel is a hundred million yen right?"

No you fucktard, its not. The prices will be vastly different based off the resources and technologies required and this will fluctuate based off the station and the system's availability of said resources. Theres no way to draw a line like we do on Earth were those factors have a constant fluctuation for more or less are already set (like resources of a type being depleted completely, the reason why gold price is always on the rise) and its possible to import and export more easily than from one solar system to another (which might even not have trade routes between themselves sometimes).
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@ShionSinX leave it. Not everyone can handle the finances and it's not the place to teach them.
Like how many people realized that if they bought 20 000$ worth of gold before the 2020 they would have 30 000$ if sold now instead? xD
Well this is a rough round up but it's just this much of a difference. I wish I had found a job before the crisis hit to get myself some savings for now...
Mangakas for sure won't know it, because they are slaves of their paychecks, publishers and readers xD
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
New chapter for both the story and the manga on the same day. Bliss!
Aggregator gang
Jun 15, 2020
i like that moneys stuff.
he converted the current currency to the japanese currency but because not every place has the same prices for stuff.
the conversion was outplace.
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
@ShionSinX supply and demand would definitely futz with the numbers. that being said iirc, he makes the estimate in the beginning based loosely on an equivalent of the Big Mac Index using food, fancier food, and 1 litre of potable water which cost 5, 10-15, and 3 Enels respectively. Ignoring dearths in supply, that’s a pretty fair conversion (food-wise) even for my currency which is ~ 1:90 yen. And since food, water, and shelter are the most basic of necessities, it makes for a decent, apples to apples, approximation for Enels to Yen .
Besides as there haven’t been any other earthlings present, who is there to say otherwise?

@Gabe202 I think the author uses it as one of the in story mechanics to remind the reader that the mc has been transplanted into that world. It’s a little overused but it’s one of a few tics the mc has
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@Lexical Id say the opposite: water is something that would change price vastly from one system to another based off supply. That comparison was fair for where he was at the time, but will not carry over to the entire space.
Aggregator gang
Jun 15, 2020
@LexicaI I always seen the conversion of currency in manga and it ends with that.
but it is the first time that I have seen an author at least make a little detail that prices are not the same as in his previous world
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
@ShionSinX perhaps, but considering the first station he landed upon happened to have the a 1 Enel to 100 Yen valuation for food and drink, It gives a working frame of reference.

Much in the same manner 1 litre of water costs about 80 yen for me but about 100 yen for 0.5 litres at a Japanese 7-11 but the food costs are about the same between my area and Japan so I know that about 5 units of my currency is good for about 500 yen, the purchasing power is different but the conversion between base currencies remains the same. Similarly, his initial comparison hold its merit since he is using that first place he stopped at as his benchmark for his understanding of the value of an Enel. If I travel to a drought stricken place on earth, water will skyrocket in price affecting my purchasing power, but on the greater scheme of things it’s not going to affect the currency exchange rates one iota.

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