This chapter was really hilarious to read because Emma was being lied to broadcaster as his girlfriend, in reality she is a rival in RDRs since she placed 2nd on that time. As for Kanata said, in UK/British standard, she was 1 size lower than most British/UK womans (not trying to sexual offensive, but that was the reality).
Meanwhile, Kanata's 'girlfriend' was really jealous not only Emma was one driving school with him, Emma also really close to him than she did due the birthplace difference (Kanata born in UK at that time). Despite that, she excels in term of pure raw skills but not as close as Kanata when it comes to showdown (Kanata inherit ALL of Fujiwara skills included Blind Attack and Gutter/Curb run).
Beckenbauer is Ryosuke but without his brain and deep analyzing in this manga which is really boring character compared to Initial D.