There's this weird duality of bad translations as well as trying to meme at the same time that kind of makes this kind of cringy.
For example, page 10 bubble 3 was translated to "The Betelgeuse subspecies has already been defeated!!!" except from context, you can tell that it isn't defeated yet. The original reads "息の合った華麗な動き!ベテル亜種ひるみまくりー!!", which the second sentence roughly translates to "The Betelgeuse subspecies is left reeling". Particularly, given the context that the game they're playing is a reference to Monster Hunter, ひるみまくり describes when an enemy has flinched and gives you a large window of opportunity in that game.
Contrast that to inserting AYLMAO in p20, and the Pokemon reference in p28 when the original has nothing to do with that.
I mean, there's inserting jokes where appropriate, there's making meme translations for fun, but there's just this whiplash where you've readjusted a lot of dialogue placement and wording for the sake of making things sound good in English (and to be fair, you have done pretty well in some places) but then can't be bothered to catch errors that's kind of glaring at you in the face if you read for cohesion.