Mietemasu yo! Aizawa-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Lovesick for the Dead

Dex-chan lover
Jul 27, 2023
I think this is the first time in yuri I've seen the protagonist think about how they feel about their love interest and go "B-but, I don't like them like THAT!" and then think about is seriously and go "No, I do actually love them."

I'm unsure if Honda actually has a lesbian date or if she's just using it in a straight way. I wouldn't put it past Dorothy to write Honda as a lesbian as well, but I think she also could be writing Honda as a straight girl, or as not yet being aware she's gay.

Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Dorothy originally wanted 17+18 to be a single chapter (as in cram all the events into a normal length chapter) which is insane.
wow, all that event in one chapter is gonna make readers feel overloaded! I'm glad we got 2 chapters instead.

Strange how it uses the affectionate "Hona-chan", a nickname we've never heard before, is desperate to get closer to Aizawa, but also wants to kill her. There's such a mix of emotions in this ghost and it's interesting how it's almost portrayed as vulnerable and confused. I don't think we're looking at a pure antagonist, though clearly very dangerous and not about to drop its grip on De:Lphinus.
ngl, the way you describe that ghost feel so much like a deluded obsessive/stalker fan who think the idol belong to themselves.

There's an important panel surreptitiously included in pg6: Tear standing in some kind of bloodsplatter? saying she understands better than anyone something spooky's happening. Keep an eye on that.
didn't notice that at all, thanks for pointing that out!
Continuing to lose my mind over how a silly joke character became a tragic hero tearing out my heart. That face when she's told no one should have expected better from her is murder. Literally all I demand from this manga is for her to someday know she can confide in Kasumi or Michi.
honestly yeah, seeing how nearly everyone didn't believe Sayaka and being disappointed w/ her made me feel so bad.

reading your analysis is a great way to recap the chapter and peeks more into what may be going on. So thank you for the chapter, and the amazing comment!!!
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 1, 2020
I have a crack theory that might just be crazy enough to work, based on everything going on and all of the information that's both known and unknown.

I think Aizawa is probably still alive. It's never actually been explicitly stated how she died, but the fact that there's been no body after all this time and her family has been secretive about it all makes it suspicious. What if she fell into a supernatural coma? Or maybe even vanished entirely? It could have been that she disappeared under such circumstances that she's believed to be dead. In any case!

The line that "someone could have died" might be in reference to her, as her spirit that has been seen all this time could actually be an astral projection, or her spirit detached from her body, and is the last hope she has of coming back.

It's also possible that it was in reference to Ange, as the possession is clearly taking a strong toll on her, but I'm inclined to think Aizawa might somehow still be alive and is holding on through her disembodied soul.
I was convinced of this from literally the first issue. "Oh ghosts look all crazy? And she looks normal? Aight"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2023
Dorothy confirmed next chapter will be back to slice of life, and I suspect volume 4 will be mostly setup rather than big drama similar to how volume 2 was.
Woo! Maybe my favorite thing about this manga is the balance between slice of life and drama/horror, and I was a little worried that after the plot properly kicked off this volume, the slice of life elements were gonna be minimized. So I'm really happy to see that were going back to slice of life, atleast for a little while.

It's gonna be interesting to see what slice of life looks like now that the supernatural stuff has gone from a silly gimmick to actual serious business!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Michi crying over how she can't be In love with a dead girl.
This yuri is reaching levels of doomed that we didn't know we're possible!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
The hazy effect makes it look as if Aizawa is getting swept somewhere. The other plane? The ghost in the studio? Her real body? Is she actually even dead? So many questions.
Now that you mentioned it, I don't remember the mention of a funeral being held. What if she's in coma and it's been so long almost no one think she's gonna wake up(someone gotta believe if no one has pull the plugs yet)
Mar 13, 2018
The recap.
It got dumpstered to the April Fools collection and I'm not sure if it's allowed to be here in any capacity because I got no response but I can try appending it to the volume 3 twitter extras..
One of the mods was supposed to/tried to contact you, but yeah they wanted you to append it to one of your real chapter uploads. That's totally fine.
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2024
I'm more on the other side. I think she is really dead and the reason Aizawa is here is a mix or the emotiomal attachment and the medium power Michi has. I think the conclusion to the series is going to be a Michi letting Aizawa go situation.

Also. Leasing bin. Les bien. GAY GIRLS. EVERYWHERE.
i mean i also think that, i just thought like "it's unlikely but if Aizawa isn't dead would be like..." just to like do some mental game
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
i mean i also think that, i just thought like "it's unlikely but if Aizawa isn't dead would be like..." just to like do some mental game
We don't really know what happened, it's normal to speculate things. But I think the theme of love, death and letting go it's a sad but important to learn theme, if Aizawa was alive I think the emotional impact would dilute. Or maybe the author wants to do a "I tried to get away from my loved one because I hurted her / we had opposition" scenario and it's a love will trump everything theme. We will see.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2020
Thanks so much for your translation and for your analysis in the comments! There's a lot of stuff I didn't pick up on :meguupog:
Jul 6, 2023
"nothing good can come from falling in love with a deal girl" you are such a coward omg. once in a lifetime opportunity to kiss ghosts and she can't even think of the benefits of that. lame.

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