Mietemasu yo! Aizawa-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Lovesick for the Dead

Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
The recap.
It got dumpstered to the April Fools collection and I'm not sure if it's allowed to be here in any capacity because I got no response but I can try appending it to the volume 3 twitter extras.

Speaking of feeling hopeless, that's the note we're ending volume 3 on.

Dorothy originally wanted 17+18 to be a single chapter (as in cram all the events into a normal length chapter) which is insane.
The panel of Aizawa kissing Michi on page 19 is actually redrawn rather than copied from chapter 1. There's some subtle differences, mostly with the hair since both designs hadn't been completely worked out yet. Dorothy also confirmed Michi's hair has been growing over the past 3 months, coming down longer over her eye and filling out the back of her neck more.


100% possessed. And according to the puke scale (1st possession Kasumi didn't puke, 2nd she puked a little), whatever's possessing her was much more powerful than Aizawa.

Strange how it uses the affectionate "Hona-chan", a nickname we've never heard before, is desperate to get closer to Aizawa, but also wants to kill her. There's such a mix of emotions in this ghost and it's interesting how it's almost portrayed as vulnerable and confused. I don't think we're looking at a pure antagonist, though clearly very dangerous and not about to drop its grip on De:Lphinus.


After some early red herrings and a goofy introduction Tear is really stepping up as the responsible leader of the group, caught in the dilemma of whether it's healthy to keep De:Lphinus going. For all the stress De:Lphinus is put through, there is a strong familial bond there, most exemplified by Non burying herself in Tear's chest. Even if they fight, Non feels safe with her.

We already knew Tear was putting on a smile for everyone, but it's interesting she's keenly aware there's something supernatural going on too. Though being helpless to comprehend it is taking its toll. There's an important panel surreptitiously included in pg6: Tear standing in some kind of bloodsplatter? saying she understands better than anyone something spooky's happening. Keep an eye on that.


Continuing to lose my mind over how a silly joke character became a tragic hero tearing out my heart. That face when she's told no one should have expected better from her is murder. Literally all I demand from this manga is for her to someday know she can confide in Kasumi or Michi.

I have to wonder, when she said someone could have died, did she mean the already dead Aizawa? Or Michi? Or both? In typical Japanese fashion the line allows for all 3.


I should have caught this, but Reona never mentioned her friend going to another school. That's purely a detail Kasumi added later. Don't know what to make of it yet, but it's clear I wrongly assumed the girl with Reona on the 1st page of ch16 was her special friend.
(disclaimer: nowhere is it specified reona's friend is a girl because japanese hates clarity as much as english loves it but it's a yuri manga so let's be real here)

Reona's being set up hard for a future subplot, and my crackship intuition is calling back:
  • Who do we know that was supposed to be at the festival but ran out last second?
  • Who's not exactly a friend from another school but something else?
  • Which girl isn't paired with anyone yet?
  • The manga makes such a big deal of Reona sending a picture of Michi, and who do we know that really doesn't want to see Michi right now?
Michi needs to talk to Non to find out about her lost memories and this would be a simple way to bring them together. Not to mention helping us keep in touch with De:Lphinus.


That kiss on the bracelet was unbelievably sweet. And Aizawa's reaction was perfectly non-exaggerated. There's so much meaning conveyed between them here, without directly addressing each other. This is going to be a very unique romance.

Michi's admission comes with the somber recognition her love was doomed from the start. But it's the first step to hoping for more. We don't know enough about Aizawa's situation to say this is truly as doomed as it gets. Either way I'm looking forward to delicious angst.

Aizawa meanwhile is either still unstable or getting greedier when she starts distorting again just from Michi being unable to say she loves her. Or from talking to Kasumi. Kasumi and Reona really aren't going to go easy on her flirting with Michi.
Kind of sad too how Aizawa dodges the photo knowing she shouldn't be in it.

I'm not sure what exactly the balloons represent, though there's some obvious symbolism. Both becoming detached from the world together, caught up in the currents of something far beyond their control, a very ephemeral existence, something now unattainable. Speaking of symbolism, Aizawa's holding a ribbon wrapped around Michi's neck on the cover page.

Oh yeah and the Idol Association is probably going to end up being relevant like the Drama Club. That, Reona's friend, and the weirdness Tear's dealing with seem to be the plot threads for next volume. Funny how they all definitely for sure deal with idols. Dorothy confirmed next chapter will be back to slice of life, and I suspect volume 4 will be mostly setup rather than big drama similar to how volume 2 was.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
So the things we want to know the most is:
  • How Aizawa died
  • What their relationship was before the point where we readers entered the story
  • Why Michi cant remember shit
  • And basically everything else, since this series have been pure questions, no answers so far🤣

Thanks for the chapter!
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
I have a crack theory that might just be crazy enough to work, based on everything going on and all of the information that's both known and unknown.

I think Aizawa is probably still alive. It's never actually been explicitly stated how she died, but the fact that there's been no body after all this time and her family has been secretive about it all makes it suspicious. What if she fell into a supernatural coma? Or maybe even vanished entirely? It could have been that she disappeared under such circumstances that she's believed to be dead. In any case!

The line that "someone could have died" might be in reference to her, as her spirit that has been seen all this time could actually be an astral projection, or her spirit detached from her body, and is the last hope she has of coming back.

It's also possible that it was in reference to Ange, as the possession is clearly taking a strong toll on her, but I'm inclined to think Aizawa might somehow still be alive and is holding on through her disembodied soul.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 4, 2020
I have a crack theory that might just be crazy enough to work, based on everything going on and all of the information that's both known and unknown.

I think Aizawa is probably still alive. It's never actually been explicitly stated how she died, but the fact that there's been no body after all this time and her family has been secretive about it all makes it suspicious. What if she fell into a supernatural coma? Or maybe even vanished entirely? It could have been that she disappeared under such circumstances that she's believed to be dead. In any case!

The line that "someone could have died" might be in reference to her, as her spirit that has been seen all this time could actually be an astral projection, or her spirit detached from her body, and is the last hope she has of coming back.

It's also possible that it was in reference to Ange, as the possession is clearly taking a strong toll on her, but I'm inclined to think Aizawa might somehow still be alive and is holding on through her disembodied soul.
plus the fact michi physically felt aizawa's kiss, it's not that improbable
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2024
I have a crack theory that might just be crazy enough to work, based on everything going on and all of the information that's both known and unknown.

I think Aizawa is probably still alive. It's never actually been explicitly stated how she died, but the fact that there's been no body after all this time and her family has been secretive about it all makes it suspicious. What if she fell into a supernatural coma? Or maybe even vanished entirely? It could have been that she disappeared under such circumstances that she's believed to be dead. In any case!

The line that "someone could have died" might be in reference to her, as her spirit that has been seen all this time could actually be an astral projection, or her spirit detached from her body, and is the last hope she has of coming back.

It's also possible that it was in reference to Ange, as the possession is clearly taking a strong toll on her, but I'm inclined to think Aizawa might somehow still be alive and is holding on through her disembodied soul.
i was thinking that Aizawa is alive too, maybe she's like in a comma with very low chances to actually wake up from it but her family doesn't want to actually give up on that chance, but for her works like when people say they've wondered around as souls while they're sleeping (dunno the english word for it) so she's experiencing this, but now the curse or whatever ties her soul to the school being why she can't get out there
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
I come out of every chapter wishing she'd just turn around and acknowledge Aizawa. I can't get over just how scared Aizawa must actually be in her state. I'm hoping for a an actually happy ending now and not only of her passing on.
Jul 4, 2019
Man this Manga has really deverted from a fun strait forward story into a confusing agnst fest that is getting recaps with higher text counts than how much text is in the chapters themselves.

If this is your jam, then God bell. I'll just be getting off tgus crazy train if it keeps down thus track.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
i was thinking that Aizawa is alive too, maybe she's like in a comma with very low chances to actually wake up from it but her family doesn't want to actually give up on that chance, but for her works like when people say they've wondered around as souls while they're sleeping (dunno the english word for it) so she's experiencing this, but now the curse or whatever ties her soul to the school being why she can't get out there
I'm more on the other side. I think she is really dead and the reason Aizawa is here is a mix or the emotiomal attachment and the medium power Michi has. I think the conclusion to the series is going to be a Michi letting Aizawa go situation.

Also. Leasing bin. Les bien. GAY GIRLS. EVERYWHERE.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
Can’t wait to the that friend of her. I swear it feels like they were dating before this whole ordeal.

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