Okay sir. There's no "fable" here. Artist cut out second part entirely. Hermes was never associated with water, not in Greece nor in Rome. He wasn't residual spirit but something opposite, his domain roughly speaking the "movement". Ponds (or still bodies of water) hold entirely different connotations meta-thematically-wise than rivers. Author is a young person. It came from Japan, which in general tends to hold their own cultural creations, even contemporary ones, closer to heart and consciousness than anything borrowed. All that makes me think this short comic inspiration is closer in probabilistic sense to quoted video game than aesop. Or maybe it distributes itself and it comes down to something of a weighted mean, where that piece of software has greater value attributed to it.
In the end i don't know shit, but so any of you three stooges. So buzz off with that patronizing act ("tango" dude, really? screw you and that figure of speech).
edit: you did say the same thing - you really are conceited.