Well, trust me, it isn't presented as remotely "This is cool, huh" at any point in the next couple of chapters, otherwise I wouldn't still be doing it. That being said, I admit this one did make me think "Jesus, I know you're trying to respect someone's privacy, but what the hell happened to the actual 'Mii-chan'?" There was that tweet from the mangaka somebody posted that really made it sound as if the real person was also dead, and after that you can't help but react with "...please tell me this stuff isn't taken straight from RL too..."Can someone check the author like what's going on in their life rn or maybe the past or maybe whatever the hell he/she's watching and getting into. Cause holy shit. Never in a million chance that a person would be this sick inserting every damn traumatizing thing in this modern world in 1 single characters. My goodness me. Like... Bro.. This author is sick in the head or creative af but in a wrong way
Yeah. I know I'm exaggerating my reaction because I've just read the chapter and I have to vent somewhere. But like someone said here, she's born to fail like that's so sad dude :{Well, trust me, it isn't presented as remotely "This is cool, huh" at any point in the next couple of chapters, otherwise I wouldn't still be doing it. That being said, I admit this one did make me think "Jesus, I know you're trying to respect someone's privacy, but what the hell happened to the actual 'Mii-chan'?" There was that tweet from the mangaka somebody posted that really made it sound as if the real person was also dead, and after that you can't help but react with "...please tell me this stuff isn't taken straight from RL too..."
I don't feel like the mangaka's turned it into straight-up misery-porn, otherwise again, I'd have dropped it - I have read other series that I would count as way worse/way more exploitative than this, and I gave up on them - but I understand anyone who wants to nope out. I'm certainly... how to put this... proceeding with the mindset that I'm done if she pushes this kind of content "too far" as I see it. But up to this point, I agree it's rough, but I don't think she's crossed the line. Your mileage may absolutely vary, though.