@Chabry3 Thats just snippets of a story, might want to flesh it out if you desire "both perspective".
Imo what it all comes down to is that people tends to forget that almost all of this "scanlation industry" is built on a business that justifies theft and us leeching. Its risky (mangadex got burned with illegal uploads) and its extended by thieving underhanded methods (JB releasing before official releases). And there's all the aggregator sites on top of that. There's very few who bothers reaching out to the author for permission.
If one truly cared about the industry as a whole, we'd support and buy the official releases (like some groups promote). But nah, its more convenient to leech and I understand why. I am certainly a scummy leech and I accept that. I just hate the whole "holier than thou" bullshit in regards to scanlations. Thanks for the upload though Tritinia Scans.