Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 3 Ch. 16

Oct 27, 2019
Sena is the one who found her first and had all the fluffy moments with her but she ended up with the captain right? Since Sena and the others think the captain deserves her more since they respect him. I still love Sena more
Apr 14, 2019
schneider was a really kind child makes me sad knowing that he let go of a wonderful girl
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@jnguy2 As far as I see it, and what this chapter tells us, they both let go of each other rather quickly: him by believing the wrong people and her by simply letting things pass without trying hard to prevent them.

I mean, if you know beforehand that someone is gonna make a bad investment in 3 years time that will make him go broke and will be stubborn about it, is it his fault for making the bad investment or your fault for not trying to stop him from ruining his life in spite of knowing in advance.

The prince still did wrong and should suffer for this... thorougly, but she knew it would happen and despite not wantinf it to happen she simply allowed it while claiming that "future is set in stone", hence why she shares a portion of the blame (but not all nor a great portion of it, the prince was still the idiot here).
Mar 25, 2020
that last panel
legit gave me a fucking heart attack
i was not expecting that
i am shooketh
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Wait wait wait. Hold on.
Sena is GREEN?!

Japanese works don't go full furry very often so I tend to forget that Japanese hair rules are still in full effect... wherein there is no such thing as an unnatural hair colour.
It was weird enough learning that her hair is "sky blue", but apparently Sena is GREEN. Still not sure if he is a fox or a jackal or what, but being GREEN is something that never even occurred to me because it is SO COMPLETELY FUCKING WEIRD that there is no situation in which I could possibly predict it.

Now I think about it, they said before that Chise is blue. I kinda automatically assumed that by "blue" they meant blue in normal animal fur terms, which generally means a kind of silvery grey. But if Sena is green then maybe Chise is full on sapphire blue.

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