Oh thank god that misunderstanding got cleared up. I was worried at first that it would become the backbone of this manga and/or the running gag. That we’d never get rid of it and the story would just be one of those comedies that went nowhere. I’m really happy with how the last few chapters have felt. Ever since the werewolf friend incident it feels like this manga has taken a huge change to become a serious, but not too dramatic and overall very enjoyable story. I can see a lot more character growth, relationship growth, and story advancement happening now. The manga still doesn’t need to have a quick or definitive end (it can grow as long as the author wants to), but now it can have an actual end and go somewhere (like idk, them getting married and living together). As opposed to before, I thought we’d just have the same running gag in every chapter because the misunderstanding would never get clear, and eventually the manga would just end abruptly without actually going anywhere. I’m very much looking forward to future chapters (mainly his human language vocabulary and understanding increasing, and how he chooses to use that to establish more relations with people).