@Qulox @Excel-01
Fuck Y'all lol jk read it all, it's important I guess (rip translation)
Yep Kuro-ko made a huge amount of mistakes in this translation (I had to modify the Word file about 5 times lol, in the last translation there was no modification at all), besides he is not a native English speaker and neither am I ,but both of us can read Japanese.
Since he was aware that there were mistakes, he asked me to proof read his translation...I was able to fix the last part of the chapter because it was practically illegible lmao
I have been trying for over a month to find a proof reader who is a native English speaker. I give up, no one wants to help. People complain, but never help.
Kuro-ko was the ONLY ONE who wrote on the forum that he wanted to help me. (
Another point, Raw manga has a horrible resolution (ComicBunch: 640 x 919) sometimes the kanji is unreadable and makes it much more difficult to translate.
This brings us to an important issue, Terriblemic and I are opposed to using such a garbage resolution, so I found a program that helps to rescale the resolution, although it's never going to resemble the resolution we got from Kuragebunch (it was something like 4000x5000, it was ridiculously high quality).
That's why Terriblemic lost a lot interest in translating this manga. (the last chapter in Kuragebunch was number 8, it is from september 2020, so it seems that we wont have the manga in full 4K anymore)
Anyway, Kuro-ko stopped answering my messages ( it seems he quit lol ) and I'll be busy from March onwards so I won't have time.