Wow... well that was journey. I expecetd somi to at least change but ig not.... There are a lot of questions i still hold like "where the monsters coming from?", "who was the first revelator?", "If the revelator power was to make magical girls and fast regen that still dont explain how Julie survived on an island all alone,". But oh man was a nice ride honestly it was a bit repetitive formula on the end Bad person --> bullies good person -> good person sad and gets salvation and finds their "justice" -> good ppl win -> bad ppl die or repeat from start. Things were so fcking tense at the start that it was kinda hard to read but after the
first death the other deaths didn't hit as hard.
I liked justice girl bcs of her design but then in the lat 5 chapters Ara (old jsutice girl) completly stole my heart, truly best girl.
All and