Contact has definitely been cut, and since the daughters haven't tried to get back in touch there's probably some resentment against him as well. Just not the same kind of hatred as against pyro-wife.
But the likely reason for contact cutting is probably that new wife gets upset at such suggestions and beats them down, while old wife doesn't have the energy or self-confidence to argue for child support.
("You burned down the house, you should be happy we don't sue" ignoring the fact that they'd never get even close to a court victory in any way with such a case. But thoughts like that probably strengthen her will do just fade away.)
I'm a bit uncertain about the timing of her amnesia though. My guesstimate right now is that she did have a couple years of hard labor before going cray-cray, but it's the mental issues that made the daughter start hunting for memory lane roadsigns for mommy.