Mo Shi Wei Wang - Ch. 177 - Am I Going To Die

Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
It's kind of silly to include a subplot where the little sister gets an incurable disease that has a 100% mortality rate when your own cover shows a picture of the two siblings in the future meaning that she'll obviously be cured.

Not to mention that it's nearly impossible to build tension in these types of stories anyways because of how it's done, Even in the off chance that the little sister dies somehow the main character would just gain an ability later on that would allow her to revive, it's so common in this genre that it's kind of stupid at this point.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@sedition The thing about a lot of the images used as cover pages for web manhua is that they're not even necessarily related to the story in any way. A lot of them are just extra art that came out with one of the chapters, and I've seen some that are super not canon. Like characters in an ancient setting dressed in modern or even futuristic looking clothes, using weird tech that isn't part of the setting and stuff, making direct references to other IPs even.

But yeah, it was super obvious the second she contracted that disease that she wouldn't die either way. This is pretty clearly a "everything goes the MC's way" sort of story.
Aggregator gang
May 2, 2019

Which is kind of disappointing, seeing how discount Yuki from Mahouka there looks like some kind of empress on the throne, and the MC is just chilling on the ground cause anything besides his imouto is not worthy of his attention.

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