Goro and Andy, thank you for this chapter.
I don't believe that's correct. I think she still has an immortal body, but she no longer has infinite magic.
That said, I only think this because her eye is healed after after the claw pulled out, and she's still surviving in the thorn bushes, when she said only those with an immortal body could survive in there.
Immortality ≠ invincibility, after all. It's something I've always known, but also appreciated in this manga...
the Ceceilia abuse is going to far
...especially because I think this is incorrect. Schadenfreude is almost the only value that pedobait brings to the story. In all fairness, she may be otherwise entertaining at times, but any manga can do without elements certain people feel a need to visit "correction 💢" upon.
Ogre-kun, that may be a vulgar display of power (page 15), but the execution is incorrect.