Mojito - Ch. 0 - Prologue

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Interesting but confusing?

Also a mojito is classically made with lime not lemon.
Feb 25, 2019
Hey I really find this work of yours interesting and is that event still up? I'd like to share my say on how love would be difficult. Okay so here it goes. For me, the third choice would be the hardest one. Since love is a feeling, how would the other party know that you loved them if you cannot express your love for them? You cannot expect them to have a guess on what you truly feel for them. It's something like this, one won't be known for something remarkable if they won't admit their doings. Love is difficult in many ways, but the lack of expression of love to others may not be love at all. The feeling may be something like inafatuation or short term admiration but love is different. Once a person is in love, they tend to show their love to the other person to know that they love them, even if they only do it sometimes or in a secretive manner. But if love lacks expression, then love may also slowly fade away. This is what makes love difficult: the lack of expression.

So yeah that was my take on love hahaha btw I really really loved your work even if it's just the prologue i hope you continue updating hehe goodluck :>
Power Uploader
Jan 22, 2018
@avidfan Sorry the notebook is expired. The event wasn't from Jupiter Scans. It was an event done by the author but it's already over. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and you can look at the raws to check that this was indeed not from us but from the author:

There will be more like this but it will not be from Jupiter but the author.

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